Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
January 29, 1925
Clifford, the second son of Supt. and Mrs. R. L. Massie, met with a painful accident Thursday when a horse fell with him. The boy was thrown onto a wire fence and was badly cut on the face.
Continued drifting has about blockaded the Spearfish road for four miles out-of Sundance, and work was started yesterday in an attempt to open it to connect where it stays open. Three men and eight horses are working with the big grader.
Word comes from the state hiway department that Supt. W. D. Keeney of Dist. 6 will recommend for next year the grading and graveling of eight miles on the Sundance-Beulah highway to connect with eleven miles completed from Beulah west. This will give a through surface from Sundance to the state line, and it is understood that South Dakota will connect from there to spearfish.
75 Years Ago
January 26, 1950
Roland Hallinger must be a knight in shining armor to Joan and Sue Prothero of Beulah. Mr. Hallinger rescued their cat Sunday. The cat had crawled between the walls of the Hallinger store and home and then couldn’t get out. The scratching of the cat on the walls finally attracted enough attention to start the rescue. Mr. Hallinger had to tear out an entire wall panel and cut a hole through the side of the store before the cat was freed. It is believed the animal had been lodged between the walls for two or three days.
Mayor Roberts said the preliminary survey of a sewer system has been completed. Voters will be asked on a ballot to indicate whether or not they want a system for the town. He said $25,000 of the cost of such a system would be covered by obligation bonds and the rest in revenue bonds. A program of charge will be drawn up to meet the payments of the revenue bonds. He estimated that each lot would be assessed $50 for a sewer and that a charge of $25 a hookup would be made. Residences would pay approximately two dollars a month for the use of a sewer and business houses higher amounts.
50 Years Ago
January 30, 1975
A construction project of Interstate 90 between Moorcroft and Gillette has been awarded to Reiman-Wuerth Co., Cheyenne, for $362,035 by the Wyoming Highway Commission. Included in the I-90 project are grading, building a bridge over the Burlington Northern Railroad and other work on the four-lane highway. Actual construction will take place about 5.8 miles west of Rozet and will be completed by June 30, 1976.
25 Years Ago
January 27, 2000
The Northeast Wyoming Antique Club will host an antique show on Saturday, March 25 in the old high school gym. Display and vendor tables will be available. For questions and information, or to reserve a space at the show, contact Helen Emrick or Ann Baker.