Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


Oct. 1

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

October 1st Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:08 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center.


Board: Lily Altaffer, Wayne Garman, Kim Fundaun, Casey Devish, Wanda Burget

Employees: Bridget Helms, Sarah Anderson, Jessica Halverson, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (call)

Guests: Jason Nehl, NRCS


A. NRCS Update Sherry and Jason are planning new applications and taking a lot of calls every day for new projects. The district conservationist position has still not been advertised; Jason’s detail ended yesterday.

B. Water Quality Program Updates Carmen provided legislative updates from the area III meeting last week about the judiciary committee meeting and LGLP insurance changes, bonding compliance, convention meeting updates, WDA base funding issues, natural asset company impact on properties/conservation easements.

Carmen will work on the WDA grant closing out this month with Bridget. Quarterly reporting is due this month for all grants.

The NACD UAC grant closes out this month and a lot of her time will be spent on that. Bridget will be assisting. They will be at Sundance Elementary on Friday for activities there. Jessie has been water sampling, calibrating instruments weekly, and completed her audit last week which went well. She attended the Pennington Conservation District conference last week in Rapid City. Jessie advised the board on the toxin advisory at Keyhole, notice was posted on our Facebook page. Lily informed us of the public comment period on the Gillette fishing lake park improvements.

Payment Application Jessie presented project CCNRD20221004ST, it is now complete and passed inspection. Casey made a motion to approve payment for this project. Wanda seconded. Motion carried.

C. Forestry Program Update Sarah has submitted the NOGA comment letter. She is working on drafting the comment letter for the proposed recreation fee changes. Her NFAB appointment has been approved however she has a mandatory meeting on November 20; Sarah’s trying to figure that out if she can attend virtually. Wildlife/forestry projects- some on hold due to drought conditions. Hazardous fuels reduction projects are moving forward again. North Sand project applications are being received, meetings are being planned, and there will be site tours at the end of October. Landowner concerns are still ongoing.

Quarterly reports will be completed on all grants this month.

D. Office Manager Update Bridget presented this year’s electronics recycling numbers, 6,150 pounds of waste was recycled. Bridget sent out invoices for the area I meeting and edited the minutes. She worked with Ketel Thorstenson on the financial review. She submitted the annual plan and annual report to WACD for the award competition. She went water sampling on September 17 and had her audit on September 26, which went well. Bridget attended the Pennington Conservation District conference in Rapid City last week. She completed the one lot subdivision review.

E. Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Lily and seconded by Wanda. Motion carried. All checks were signed, and the reconciliation reports prepared by Bridget were reviewed and signed.

Revisit Sarah’s healthcare compensation plan Lily made a motion to continue the health stipend at $1200 for six more months when it will be reviewed again. Wanda seconded. Motion carried.

F. Approve September 3rd Minutes A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made by Lily and seconded by Wanda. Motion carried.


A. Employee job descriptions tabled until next month.

B. Personnel Policy Wanda made a motion to approve the personnel policy. Casey seconded. Motion carried.


A. Schloredt No 1 Subdivision Review Lily made a motion to approve the Schloredt No 1 minor subdivision review. Casey seconded. Motion carried.

B. Financial Review Draft documents were presented. Lily made a motion to sign the agreement with Ketel Thorstenson, Wanda seconded. Motion carried.

C. Tahoe tires Lily made a motion to purchase new tires for the Tahoe. Wanda seconded. Motion carried. Lily will order the part so the spare tire can be put back on.

TIME OFF REQUESTS were approved.

Motion to adjourn was made by Kim at 2:46 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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