Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
January 1, 1925
A popular New Year's dance will be given at Grice Hall tonight after the basket game. Arrangements are complete to make it a crowning event of the holiday season.
At the high school gym tonight, the Sundance Bears will meet the Normal Yellowjackets. It will be claw and sting for four quarters, both teams in fine form for the game. Aladdin will be here Jan. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schloredt entertained 14 of their friends on Christmas day at the Zane Hotel. The occasion also happened to be Uncle Fred's birthday, and he was the recipient of many well wishes for happy returns of the day. The guests voted it a most entertaining affair.
75 Years Ago
December 29, 1949
Six teenagers who admitted prowling the Beulah Bar are being held by authorities in Charleston, Mo. Capt. O. L. Wallis of the Missouri State Highway patrol notified Crook County Sheriff W. H. Blakeman that four boys and two girls are being held in the Mississippi county jail on charges of burglary and larceny. Capt. Wallis said the youthful gang admitted the Beulah break-in. The gang was using a Custer County, S. D., car at the time they were arrested and it is believed that the car was stolen before the group started their trek across the Midwest. Charleston is in the southeastern corner of Missouri. Sheriff Blakeman said he believed that the youths would not be brought back to Crook County trial. Prosecution will be made in Missouri.