Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

December 25, 1924

Sheriff Paul McLean was nabbed at Albion a few days ago while enroute from Alzada to the county seat. The charge preferred against him was murder in the first degree. The plaintiff, Mrs. Harry Longfeld, alleges that on Friday evening, Dec. 5, while speeding down Main St., in Albion in his new jitney at 15 miles per hour, the defendant willfully?, maliciously? and wrong- fully? ran over one of her chickens. Chris Watts, the only eyewitness to the homicide, claims that the defendant applied his brakes when he saw the victim rush in front of the auto, but the chicken, in its confusion, must have done the same thing. Mr. Watts says it looked like a plain case of suicide to him. The sheriff was heard to remark: "Whyinell don't you look where your goin'. Dontcha know you've got no right to interfere with the law?" Mr. Watts carried the victim to Mrs. Longfield's home where an effort was made to resuscitate it. Chris says the wearing apparel was practically all torn off the victim and there was a bad wound in the north half of the southwest quarter. Death must have been instantaneous. The sheriff plead guilty to the charge. Mrs. Longfield imposed a fine of seventy-five cents and costs amounting in all to one dollar, and the sheriff was released from custody. - Alzada Fairplay.

75 Years Ago

December 22, 1949

It not only hurts the feelings of Ted Rounds of Sundance when someone shouts "Butter Fingers," but also his toe-particularly the big toe on his left foot. He blames his plight and hobbling this week on a plank that didn't want to stay in his grasp. Mr. Rounds dropped the plank last Friday and the board landed on his foot and fractured the toe in four places. He claims that he isn't kicking about anything right now.

Something is short in the office of Crook County Assessor O. C. Dinkins but it or they are two fingers on the left hand of Mr. Dinkins. The assessor was injured Monday night when the ring and middle finger of his left hand were pulled into a wood planer at the Dinkins home. He was making Christmas gifts at the time of the accident. The fingers were severely severed as the blade of the planer cut off the tips of both.

25 Years Ago

December 23, 1999

The Christmas season is well-evidenced by the festive and cheerful lighting displays put up by residents and business owners around town. And it's time once again to say congratulations to the winners of the annual lighting contest sponsored by the Sundance Kiwanis Club. Earl and Minta Gray won first place in the Residential Division while second place was awarded to Jim and Vicki Clark. Commercial Division winners were: first place, Sundance Mercantile; second place, Tracy Motor Company. Prizes from Dillon Hardware will be awarded to all four contest winners. The 1999 Clark Griswold award went to Wally Elwonger who will receive a prize from the Powder River Electric Corporation.