Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

November 27, 1924

John Grice is nursing a painful bruise on the leg from a fall at the warehouse, but he is thankful it was no worse.

Albert Sipe arrived from Billings last week and after a few days' visit with his sister, Mrs. Theran Good, went over to Farrall and Aladdin to greet his parents and brothers in that neighborhood.

Colony News: Potter Bowman, County Surveyor, is taking advantage of the good weather we have had the last few days and is running a line for the proposed road between Colony and Mona. He is surveying between the river and the Massie ranch for the present and is making his headquarters at the W. E. Massie ranch. The line he is running will be considerably shorter than the route now in use by those who are willing to risk their necks to cross over to Colony from Mona and vicinity. Even if the county does not build the road right at present the survey will give those who wish to do so the chance to put in a little road building 'on their own.'

75 Years Ago

November 24, 1949

Business houses in Sundance became one more recently with the opening of the Morris Saddlery, which will specialize in custom-built saddle manufacturing, will also feature an oiling and repairing service. The business is owned and operated by Glen and Bill Morris and Jim Morgareidge. The shop is located in the rear of the Elk Horn cafe and can supply or build anything from leather. Before coming to Sundance, the Morris's operated a saddlery in Buffalo.

Julius Hewes of Sundance was named president of the Wyoming Hereford association Saturday at the annual election of officers in Casper. He was automatically selected for the post as he had served the association as vice-president for the past year. By taking over the post, Mr. Hewes will head two Hereford associations. In addition to the Wyoming Hereford association, he is president of the Northeastern Wyoming Hereford association.