Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

September 25, 1924

Radio will bring election news and other important news to your fireside no matter where you live. Ask J. W. Richardson, Moorcroft, about radio receivers that really receive. 

Sheriff Zimmerschied received a hard wallop between the eyes yesterday while cranking a strange car. This is the first time Otis has been slipped up on since he took the oath of office.

75 Years Ago

September 22, 1949

Changes in the officers of the city government of Sundance will be made, Oct. 1. Ted Glover, city water com-missioner, notified Mayor C. D. Roberts that he is resigning his office, effective Oct. 1. He gave as his reason for resigning from the post as other business interests. Mayor Roberts announced that Councilman Leslie Hooper will resign from the city council to accept the post of water commissioner. Mr. Hooper was elected to the council in the city election held last May. He held the office of water commissioner for several years and resigned from the office about six years ago. 

Sundance School Gym Sundance high school's new gymnasium may have an electric time clock and score board this year, thanks to the money left to the school by graduating classes of the last few years. It is hoped to have the scoreboard installed for the 1949-50 basketball season.

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