Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

September 18, 1924

A spectacular arrest was made Saturday evening by deputies of the sheriff’s office in Barlow canyon, north of Hulett. After a chase of seven miles Harry Record and Orville McConaughy were captured with 21 pints of moonshine on their car. L. C. Hurtt narrowly escaped being run down when the boys made a dash for liberty through a gate, but the deputy climbed aboard and forced them to stop. Early the next morning Sheriff Zimmerschied and J. C. and L. C. Hurtt visited the Elias MeConaughy place near New Haven and placed him under arrest. One pint of moonshine, mash and a still were located, and all three were brought to Sundance Sunday. At a hearing Tuesday, Elias McConaughy pleaded guilty to possession and the two boys to transportation and were fined by Judge Ilsley.

Crook county fair: the horseshoe contest at the park Wednesday morning was interesting and resulted in the Farrall team, Frank Carley and N. G. Weaver, winning first, with Rube and Bob Donaldson second. The only act of extreme cruelty reported was when all the candidates for office were rounded up and forced to run a 50-yard footrace. After much effort it was captured by Otis Zimmerschied and W. R. Collins.

75 Years Ago

September 15, 1949

School officials in Sundance expect to contract a vocational agriculture teacher for the Sundance high school in the near future. Burns E. Taft, superintendent of schools, said the teacher, Robert G. Goodnow, is expected to arrive in Sundance sometime this week. Mr. Goodnow is coming from Salisbury, Conn.

A new deputy assessor for Crook County to be named in the near future will probably be Andrew Semsey. Mr. Semsey will take the post of the present deputy assessor, Miss Colleen Kipp, who has indicated she will resign her office on or about September 15. Mr. Semsey began learning the procedures of the office last week but he will not officially take over until appointed by the county commissioners and bonded.

50 Years Ago

September 19, 1974

John Mitchell, a Bear Lodge FFA member, has won the national regional proficiency award in forestry management and is competing against three other boys for the national award. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Mitchell, Aladdin. The award is the first for the Sundance chapter and this area of Wyoming

An 18-year-old Sundance High School senior, Wanda Hejde, was crowned Miss Crook County Farm Bureau Saturday night during the annual meeting of the Crook County Farm Bureau in Sundance. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hejde, Aladdin. Wanda will receive an expense-paid trip to Jackson in November where she will compete in the state contest.

The Crook County Recreation Board has received funds totaling $9051.28 from the Wyoming Recreation Commission as a partial payment for work on the Hulett rodeo grounds. The check, drawn on the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, covers the project’s water. system and utility building. This is the fourth payment received by the board for the Hulett project that totals $79, 140. The Wyoming Recreation Commission administers the grant-in-aid program for Wyoming.

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