Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

September 4, 1924

When the Crook County board of Commissioners met on August 4 for the purpose of making the tax levy for 1924, there was an insistent demand for reduction in taxes from every part of the county. In fact, this has been a popular demand for some time. People feel that the tax burden is too heavy and that the public officials should do all in their power to lighten this load. The total levy this year for general county purposes county school tax and state taxes amounts to less than 8⅛ mills.

A wire from Washington yesterday announces that Senator Warren has nominated Donald Bush, son of J G Bush, of Sundance, to be principal candidate for midshipman in the navy for 1925. The many friends of Donald here will congratulate him on this achievement.

75 Years Ago

September 1, 1949

Somewhere a proverb such as "A person is only as old as he feels" must cover the case of Mrs. Christine Wieck of Devils Tower. Mrs. Wieck, 72, had been having trouble recently with the lower plate of her false teeth. No matter what she would do the plate just wouldn't stay put in her mouth. And since the plate didn't fit, it bothered her. She decided to do something about it and made an appointment with her dentist last Friday and took her troublesome lower plate to him. The dentist's examination showed that Mrs. Wieck is doing something a lady of her age usually doesn't do. She is cutting a wisdom tooth.

Miss Janice Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Roberts, will be one of the 2200 girls to start the fall term at Stephens College, at Columbia, Mo. The announcement of the acceptance of Miss Roberts into the school was made this week. She will arrive on the campus in Columbia, Sept. 11. She is a 1949 graduate of the Sundance high school.