Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letters to the Editor

WY Freedom PAC contribution

Howdy folks, the $25,000 contribution from the Crook County Republican Party to the WY Freedom PAC did not violate WS statute 22-25-104. The contribution was not designated in any way.

Once a political action committee receives a contribution it has sole responsibility for the distribution of its funds. The party did not specify how those funds were to be used.

They could be used for administrative costs, voter education, legal defense or candidate support. As the contributor, the party cannot govern the use of a political action committee’s funds.

The WY Freedom PAC has its own governing body. The decisions, as to how they distribute the funds they receive, is up to them, not the Crook County Republican Party. Senator Driskill’s accusations are simply unfounded.

There was an attorney in the room whom we questioned about the legality of this contribution. Although he ultimately voted against the contribution, he said at the time he saw no reason why it would violate state law.

We did not employ him as legal counsel but we did ask his opinion. Thanks for hearing me out.

Sent by:

Ted Davis

Precinct Committeeman

Crook County Republican Party

I wrote this statement as an expression of my thoughts on this contribution and not as a representative of the Crook County Republican Party.


Dear Editor,

You received a letter, possibly more than one, demanding the resignation of Crook County Republicans who – the person says – “were involved in the recent illegal donation made by the Crook County Republican Party to the Wyoming Freedom Caucus PAC.” This person also demands resignation of Secretary of State Chuck Gray.

First of all, the donation to a PAC is not illegal.

Second, this person forgot to add names to the list. Governor Mark Gordon should resign. He donated to a “Prosperity and Commerce Pac” – $50,000.00 – 2 or 3 times = $100,000.00 to $150,000.00 – or more.

What does that PAC support? It supports other specific Republicans. If the Freedom Pac cannot donate to specific Republicans, then it should be true of the Prosperity and Commerce PAC.

Gordon also donated to multiple individual candidates the past few months, and he texts us as citizens to influence who we vote for. As a public official being paid by “we, the citizens” of Wyoming, is he not be held to a higher moral standard as well? Should he not stay out of the “weeds”?

Third, I see no demand for anyone from the Caucus or Prosperity PAC to resign. Nor do I see any resignation demand letters for Senator Ogden Driskill, or Governor Gordon or anyone else who does agree with Ogden.

The article by Maggie Mullen also points fingers at only one direction. She also should make all sides accountable.

Regarding the writer: does he attend any of the Crook County Republican meetings? Does he take part in any of the discussions? Or does he just sit on the sidelines and judge without knowing all the facts?

I find it sad that Wyoming has followed suit with other states and is bickering and fighting instead of working together to solve our problems. Even when our legislators do agree and pass bills, our governor vetoes them.

We need to clean up our state or we will go down just like the others. I was always proud to be from Wyoming, and knew that the people representing us and working for us would do what is right. I do not see that now. It is disgusting and sad.

A lifelong Wyomingite who loves this state,

Connie Lindmier


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