Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

No parking zone delayed for now

The Sundance City Council has opted to table an ordinance that would create a no parking zone on one block of a city street.

The decision was taken in response to an appeal from the residents whose choice of parking originally sparked the discussion.

At July’s meeting, the council heard that a specific vehicle on the block of E. Sewell St. behind the high school was causing issues for the neighbors, who were having difficulty backing out of their driveway.

The owner of the vehicle, according to Mayor Paul Brooks, had initially agreed to allow the city to fill in the lip at the side of the street to allow parking off the roadway, but later declined.

To answer the concern of the neighbors, to ensure access and egress for fire response and law enforcement vehicles and to facilitate snow removal, the council decided to move forward with a no parking ordinance.

However, Patrice Patterson addressed the council last week to question the version of events that had been relayed to the council by the mayor. The offer to fill in the lip had not been turned down, she said; rather, it was found to not be feasible.

Patterson stated that she and her husband, Welchie, are complying with the city’s desire for them to park off the roadway.

“We are complying and we would like for the city not to make it a no parking zone,” she said, stating that this would also be in the interests of the neighbors.

Mayor Brooks was in favor of a positive resolution.

“It’s not our goal to fight,” he said. “It’s our goal to try to get people to live side by side without conflict.”

In response to the request, the council passed a motion to table the ordinance for 90 days so that it can be reviewed again at that time.

Patterson asked to be notified as and when the council resumes the discussion.