Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884




Notice is hereby given that the City of Sundance (City), Wyoming will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, appliances, transportation, and services necessary for:

BASE BID: Installation of approximately 2,100 linear feet (LF) of 10-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water line and approximately 180 LF of 8-inch PVC water line through conventional trenching methods; installation of approximately 80 LF of 20-inch steel casing by jack and bore; installation of various ductile iron fittings and gate valves; replacement of 18 existing water service lines with new 1-inch and 1.5-inch high density polyethylene (HDPE) water service lines totaling approximately 1,100 LF; replacement of curb stops and meter pits; connections to existing water lines and water service lines; installation of 4 fire hydrant assemblies; abandonment/capping of existing water lines and valves; and surface restoration of gravel, asphalt, concrete, and landscaped areas. Construction will also include traffic control, erosion and sediment control, contractor surveying, dewatering, underground utility locating, temporary water, and flowable fill.

ADD ALTERNATE NO. 1: Installation of approximately 2,600 LF of 8-inch PVC water line through conventional trenching methods; installation of approximately 20 LF of 8-inch PVC by horizontal directional drilling (HDD); installation of various ductile iron fittings and gate valves; replacement of 37 existing water service lines with new 1-inch HDPE water service lines totaling approximately 2,200 LF, of which approximately 250 feet will be installed by HDD; replacement of curb stops and meter pits; connections to existing water lines and water service lines; installation of 6 fire hydrants and assemblies; abandonment/capping of existing water lines, valves, and hydrants; abandonment of approximately 2,900 LF of existing 4-inch water by pressure grouting; removal of existing, buried concrete bridge abutments (approximately 5 cubic yards); and surface restoration of gravel, asphalt, concrete, and landscaped areas. Construction will also include traffic control, erosion and sediment control, contractor surveying, dewatering, underground utility locating, temporary water, and flowable fill.

These services and all other incidental work are as called for in the Project Manual for the CITY OF SUNDANCE – 3RD STREET WATER LINE PROJECT.

The City will receive sealed bids at City Hall, 213 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 542, Sundance, Wyoming 82729 until 2:00 P.M. Local Time, on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.

All bids must be furnished on forms supplied in the Project Manual. Sealed envelopes containing bids shall be clearly marked with the project title and shall show the name and address of the Bidder. Bids which are not prepared and filed in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders may be rejected. The City reserves the right to reject any bids and to waive irregularities in bids received.

Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond with sufficient surety for not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of such bid, payable to, and to be forfeited to, the City of Sundance as liquidated damages if bidder fails to enter into contract within thirty (30) days after award to him, or fails, at the time of executing the agreement, to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the bid. Facsimile (fax) or other copies of bonds are not acceptable, nor are certified cashier’s checks, certified checks, or bank drafts. NO BID WILL BE CONSIDERED IF NOT ACCOMPANIED BY SUCH BOND OR IF NOT IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF W.S. 15-1-113.

Bidding documents may be examined and obtained online at (#9247811). Online registration on QuestCDN is mandatory for all bidders. For questions regarding QuestCDN, please contact Scott Lee at (307) 335-3169 or [email protected].

A mandatory pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at 10:00 A.M. Local Time on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at the City of Sundance City Hall, 213 E. Main Street, Sundance, Wyoming, at which attendance in person by Bidders is mandatory. The project area is also open for access and viewing outside of the pre-bid meeting.

Contractors, in submitting their respective bids, acknowledge that such bids conform to all

requirements of Wyoming State Statute and Federal Requirements of the American Rescue Plan

Act (ARPA).

Pursuant to W.S. 16-6-106, “preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, agricultural products, equipment, machinery and provisions produced, manufactured or grown in Wyoming, or supplied by a resident of the state, quality being equal to articles offered by competitors outside of the state”.

The procurement will be subject to the “Use of American Iron and Steel” requirements as contained in Section 436 of H.R. 3547, The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 and as updated and revised in America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018.

/s/ Mac Erickson, Public Works Director

City of Sundance

Publish: August 1, 8 and 15, 2024

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