Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

July 25, 1924

George Ferguson, star moonshiner of the Sand Creek country pleaded guilty in district court Saturday afternoon and was sentenced by Judge Ilsley to six months in jail and to pay a fine of $1000. This is Ferguson’s second appearance before the court and the penalty was accordingly severe.

Mrs. Mable Mathews, Miss Anna-Jean Andrews and Miss Creta Reinecke were a party of Beulah ladies who paid the Times a visit Monday. The two former were primarily election bent, Mrs. Mathews being a candidate for treasurer on the Republican ticket, and Miss Andrews is candidate for superintendent of schools.

75 Years Ago

July 21, 1949

The opening of another new car agency in Sundance was announced this week. A direct Chevrolet dealership has been awarded to the Cirele S Chevrolet Co. of Sundance. The company, newly formed, is a partnership formed by Edwin Rounds, Ted Rounds and Don Rounds. The agency will be located at the Sundance Service Station.

Prospective students of the Sundance schools next fall have been invited to visit the present school plant and watch construction of the new high school building. The invitation was issued this week by the Sundance school boards. The invitation will enable the students to inspect the building and to discover what will be offered them during the school year.

50 Years Ago

July 25, 1974

Sheila Nussbaum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Nussbaum, Sundance, earned the right to represent Crook County at the Wyoming State Fair Senior 4-H vegetable judging contest in August by out-scoring her fellow 4-Hers at the district vegetable judging held recently in Gillette. Miss Nussbaum scored 564 points out of a possible 650 from nine classes of vegetables. There were two sets of oral reasons and an identification test, according to Warren T. Ferrell, Crook County Extension agent.

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