Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
June 19, 1924
Lawrence Good and Tom Roark were out to Hulett last week and closed a deal for all concessions at the big rodeo which Proctor & Vines will put on at the Devils Tower on July 4 and 5. A feature will be a barbecue each day. The management added another attraction last week when they engaged the Sundance Band for the Fourth, Sundance Chautauquans will accompany the band on a big booster trip and it is planned to make the day a special outing for all Sundance people. The Tower Rodeo is being advertised east as far as lowa, and a record crowd may be looked for, as the double attraction of the Tower with a wild west exhibition will have a special appeal to tourists who are making the trip at that time. Proctor & Vines are ideal promotors and managers and will take care of all. who come.
75 Years Ago
June 16, 1949
Racket, bright lights, spectacular explosions and deafening roars will be the order of the day, July 4, at the fireworks display to pe presented by the Sundance Commercial club at the fairgrounds in Sundance. The show is free to all those who wish to attend. It is an annual public service feature of the club and this year is under the direction of George Gorsuch. Officials in charge of the show indicate that the 1949 edition of the fireworks display will be the biggest ever seen in Sundance. The display this year took on more importance following the banning of the sale and discharging of fireworks in Sundance by the city council. The only Fourth of July celebration device permitted this year is the cap gun.
Appointments for the various offices of the city government of Sundance were made at a meeting of the Sundance city council held, June 9. The appointments were made by Mayor C. D. Roberts and councilmen Charles Stagemeyer, Leslie Hooper and Dwight Hart. Otis Reynolds was reappointed to the office of city attorney for the coming two years. Reynolds will be paid a salary of $10 a month for his services. Miss Marion Thompson was again named city clerk by the council. The salary of Miss Thompson will be $25 a month. Police Judge for Sundance will be Sidney Harvey. Harvey will receive no salary for his services. The formal appointment of T. K. Glover as water commissioner, street and alley commissioner and cemetery sexton was made at the council meeting. Glover's salary was set at $200 a month.
25 Years Ago
June 24,1999
The Sundance Kids Daycare is putting in a new playground. Construction will begin the weekend of July 12 and should be finished around July 18. The playground is going to have two wooden forts pieced together, a seven-foot tunnel, slides, multiple climbing units, and it will also be a k handicap-accessible facility. Director Maggie Norelius explained that - the financial sources donated for the playground have come from a variety of sources. Norelius said that the city gave the daycare access to grant money, additional land to eventually extend the playground, and access to their equipment. Also, the Kiwanis Club of Sundance generously donated and offered to do all of the labor. PARC Bingo donated $ 1500. in addition, an anonymous individual made a donation which covered one-quarter of the playground expenses.