Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

SES Field Day filled with activity

As the school year drew to a close, the eagerly awaited field day arrived at Sundance Elementary School, offering a day filled with excitement and activity for students in grades K-6. The children enthusiastically participated in a variety of events, including the 4x100 relay, gaga ball, long jump, softball throw, capture the flag and kick the can.

A bouncy house added to the fun, keeping the students engaged throughout the day. The event concluded on a high note with a dunk tank, where thrilled second graders had the opportunity to dunk the principal, Mr. Weigel. 

"I am so excited that the kids have the opportunity to be in an event such as this. Sundance is truly an amazing community, this event proves it," PE teacher and event coordinator, Marcy Williamson, commented.

"There is no way something of this size would be possible if the adults in the community would not have stepped up and volunteered or donated to help. The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and all the donors are essential for this event to happen. PIC puts on fundraisers for this and provides staff to work the stations.

"Field Day has become an epic celebration of our school year thanks to our volunteers. It also gives the community an opportunity to witness our student character development and gives the students an opportunity to show the community an attitude of gratitude." 

With the culminating activities, two awards were given out. The first award was the Little Bulldog Award, which was given to the students who possess responsibility, leadership, sportsmanship, gratitude and kindness.

Kaleb Mills, Hartley Steele, Jashlynn Idler, Autumn Lundstrom, Macy Kuenzel, Conagher Spaulding, Ty Hutchinson, and Halle Habeck were all nominated for the award and Kaleb Mills was the overall winner.

The second was recognition of a staff member who went above and beyond for the students. That went to Tessa Kiefert. In the end, field day at SES was a fun and successful day for all involved. 

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