Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to Mr. Akola’s recent letters. Over the past few weeks, I like many others, are flabbergasted by Mr. Akola’s ill sought efforts for the county to plow the private road he resided on.

I don’t feel that Mr. Akola is accurately representing some of the “facts” he claims.

As a resident of Moskee Road, it should be noted that there is more than one family on the six mile stretch of road that the county maintains.

Moskee Road is an access point for thousands of acres of public land that all county residents can access 12 months of the year. Moskee Road also serves as a main thruway for the logging industry providing access to remote areas of our county for proper forest management. It also serves as a primary junction point for the Cement Ridge Fire Tower, two different areas for elk hunting and ranchers’ access to their leased land for grazing livestock.

Historically, Moskee Road provided passage from Sundance to the town of Moskee, which is now property owned by Moskee Land Corp. Moskee Land Corporation has assisted in road maintenance and plowing for this section of road for almost two decades. They have also given significant financial contributions to the county for road improvement in addition to their property taxes.

I agree with Mr. Bock’s reply, that a landowner needs to do their research prior to moving into remote areas of Wyoming. Mr. Akola moved into a subdivision of a larger property which did not have county maintenance prior to the subdivision.

As someone who has been through the subdivision process, subdividers do not have to ensure new roads mapped during this process are plowed. The county should not be burdened with the added cost of maintenance every time a property owner decides to subdivide. I believe this will open the flood gates for requests or demands that the county will not be able to meet.

I think it is time for Mr. Akola to “Cowboy Up” and embrace all the parts of country life (including plowing).


Naomi Jacobson

A Moskee resident