Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

May 1, 1924

Reuben Hurtt, cashier of the Hulett State Bank, was in Sundance Thursday on business. He states that Hulett escaped recent floods with only nominal damage. Approaches to the steel bridge were undermined, but this was repaired by Commissioner John Thorn and the bridge is in better shape than ever, with higher grade approaches.

The Upton Gazette gives an account of a thrilling rescue in which the lariat played a winning role in the hands of Ed Peterson. A Mr. Mitchell attempted to cross Buck creek during the high water, fell and was carried down with the flood. Mr. Peterson promptly threw the rope and caught the drowning man by one arm, saving him from certain death.

Belated news leaked out in Sundance last week of the wedding of two of our respected citizens – none other than Judge A. L. Dickinson and Mrs. Mary Shober, who were united at Deadwood on April 14. While this may or may not be a surprise to the friends of this estimable couple, it is nevertheless none too late for congratulations and the Times joins with many others in good wishes for their happiness and prosperity.

75 Years Ago

May 5, 1949

Two Air Force aviators lost their lives Saturday morning when their plane crashed on the Bill Russell ranch about six and one-half miles due east of the Devils Tower on Whitetail creek. One of the men was Lt. Victor Johnson, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. William V. Johnson of Story. The name of the other victim of the crash has not been released by Air Force officials. The plane was enroute from the Rapid City Air Force base to Sheridan when it crashed. It is not known what caused the accident but persons in the area of the wreck report that the engines of the plane were coughing before the crash. The plane, a RB-26 medium bomber, was completely destroyed as it exploded when it ploughed into the ground. The explosion blasted a hole 30 feet long, 25 feet wide and ten feet deep. The crash was first discovered by Bill Russell. The plane had crashed approximately 300 yards from the Russell ranch home. He and Frank Manke reported the accident to Sheriff W. H Blakeman. The plane was based at Langley Field, Va., and was on a routine navigation and weather flight.

25 Years Ago

May 6, 1999

Cab and Duffle Redenbaugh of Cheyenne are new owners of the local Turf Bar, and the new manager is Nancy Redinger. Redinger has been located here for approximately five years, and formerly resided in Deadwood. Redenbaughs purchased the bar from the Wagamans--Jim and Rosie, and Rich and Joyce. The Wagamans have been in the area for about thirty years and purchased the Turf 25 years ago this coming June 1.

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