Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

February 28, 1924

Sundance is stepping out with electric street lights, all owing to the public spirit of certain citizens. Lights now show in front of the State Bank, Fawkes Brothers and the Zane Hotel, and there are more to come.

Road conditions out of Sundance have not improved any in the last two weeks. The Upton stage runs a sled to Wider' s, and the Spearfish line operates a buggy to Gould' s, both connecting with auto. Frank Mitts changed to buckboard this week on the Aladdin line. 

Just how much injury has been done to the oil and gas industries in the Rocky Mountain region by agitation and investigation now under way at Washington is merely conjecture. It is certain to retard development in all branches and even hold in abeyance plans already adopted tor large expenditures in a number of localities. This is particularly true in Wyoming. In the Teapot Dome, where until recently more than 400 people were employed there now remain probably no more than a score as nearly all development work has been suspended which means men have been laid off Indefinitely. This will not only affect Teapot but also the tank farms at Teapot and Clayton and Sinclair operations at Salt Creek, Osage and other sections.

75 Years Ago

March 3, 1949

One of the final steps in the opening of a branch of the Crook County library in Mooreroft was taken last week in Sundance. Mrs. Bryan Smith, who will serve as librarian at the new organization, studied library procedure in the library in Sundance Thursday and Friday in preparation for the opening of the Moorcroft branch, Saturday, March 5. Mrs. Smith arranged for book loans by the Sundance library to aid the Moorcroft library start its operation. Mrs. Velma Case, librarian at the Crook County library, said the books would be loaned to the new unit for a period of three months and during that time would be on the lending lists of the Moorcroft library.

Another of the new cars for 1949 which have been streaming from the assembly lines of the automobile industry will be on display for the first time in Sundance. The Desoto for 1949 will be displayed at the Tracy Motor Co. in Sundance, Saturday, March 5. The showing is timed to coincide with showings all over the United States.

25 Years Ago

March 4, 1999

The Moorcroft Wolves took nine contestants to the State Wrestling tournament in Casper on February 26-27. Fifth overall, the team lad six individual placements. Reigning as State Champions in the 140 and 270 pound weight classes were junior Chancey Willlams and senior Seth Farnsworth. Both young men placed first at the District tournament as well. The sons of Dennis and Grace Williams and Jim and Mary Farnsworth, these two first cousins are glad to have earned this honor and realized a dream together during Seth' s last year of high school.