Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

In regard to your front page article, Mr. Hughes needs to be more thorough before making such extreme comments about the property tax petition being circulated. He, according to the paper, alleges that the petition “demands that property taxes be cut by 50%”. That is absolutely untrue.

If those quotations are accurate, Mr. Hughes is doing a disservice to the citizens of Sundance. The fact is that the petition clearly states that it would establish “…A homeowners exemption for primary residences….”. It goes on to state very clearly, that “(A) For property used as a primary residence, fifty percent (50%) of the assessed value of the primary property is exempt from property taxes as a homeowners exemption.”

I have no problem with opposing opinions, but total distortions of fact really tick me off. I expected that the politicians that have done nothing to resolve the property tax problem would use similar fear tactics, but not from the Sundance city attorney.

I also question Mr. Brooks’ assertion that “…his ex son-in-law pays more property tax in a month in Spearfish than he himself pays in a year in Sundance”. That is such an unbelievably extreme statement, that I’d like to see some solid proof of that comment, including that both homes are somewhat comparable.

Is the statement attributed to Hughes about population a misprint? It states that: This state in the last 120 years has grown less than 70,000 people. The census bureau shows a population of 493,782 in 2000, and 576,851 in 2020, a growth of 83,069 in just 20 years. Where does he get his fallacious info?

All the petition does, if enough people sign it, is to place this proposal on the ballot, so we can vote for or against it if the Senate and house fail to pass a better proposal. It may put pressure on them to do what they should do, if they truly represent their constituents.

I believe that the Sundance Times could do their readers, and the public generally an absolutely outstanding public service by publishing the full text of the petition. Let the people make their own decisions about what it says. Let’s get back to the American concept of “We the people”.

Floyd Morgan


Dear Editor:

In response to the article from Mr. Hughes in the December 14 issue of the Times, regarding his opposition to reducing the burden of property taxes, I’m not surprised. Doesn’t EVERY paid government official want MORE money to spend? Don’t they all claim that the sky will fall if property taxes are reduced from their all-time highs?

Since property valuations have risen to all-time highs, and the property tax rate (mill levy) has remained constant, then it implies that actual taxes paid, like mine, have risen to all-time highs. So let’s quit lying about the fact that the state will be destroyed by cutting taxes back to previous levels.

Are the state and county and city tax revenues not at an all-time high? Something needs to be done to protect the taxpayers of this state. My taxes, in the county, are through the roof. Let’s not conflate the issue by comparing us to other high tax states as Mr. Hughes has suggested. That is disingenuous and misleading. We are talking property tax, not all taxes as he suggests by saying we are a low tax state. The fact is that property taxes have soared and we, the citizens of Wyoming, need relief.

Mac Frank


Dear Editor,

I attended a Crook County Zoning & Building permit meeting on December 11, 2023 where a host of residents came to voice concern over a proposed subdivision to open. They did not have the courtesy of listening to our grievances, which is guaranteed to us under the constitution of the United States.

They stated that their hands were tied in the matter, but why? No explanation as to why their hands were tied. We have the constitutional right to petition the Government for regress of our grievances, we the people deserve an explanation.

We have since found out that Crook County has absolutely no zoning laws on the books, how does this happen? Who exactly has dropped the ball here?

What are they doing in that office to protect their constituents? We go to these meetings to stand up for ourselves and it falls on deaf ears, is that what we voted them into office for? What representation do we have if we cannot trust our county representatives.

Why was this meeting even held if it was a done deal prior to the meeting? If we don’t stand up for our rights and get our county’s zoning requirements put into law now, it’s shame on us.

Patty Cromer

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