Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Sundance High School Class of 1968 celebrates 55!

SHS classmates from the Class of 1968 gathered on September 8 and 9 to reacquaint, remember and reminisce.

Gary Snyder with his family came from Texas, loving the Wyoming weather after 30 days of one hundred degrees at home. Rick Miller and wife Laura came from Florida with pictures and stories about the resident alligators in their backyard.

They joined classmates from the area: Cheryl Wales, Doris Oudin, Sue Lojeck, Judy Schloredt and Deb Proctor.

Many laughs were heard at the Massey Community Center (nice addition to the Sundance community) as stories from our SHS days were shared including the dirty sweatshirt contest, Judy's Corvair being picked up by the boys and placed on the courthouse lawn resulting in her suspension (principal thought she drove it there), the Tom Sawyer operetta that Mr. Gaylord directed in our sixth grade, the split of our class into two after the Air Force "kids" arrived, the junior class hillbilly play and senior class "I remember Mama" play we performed, the awesome senior trip to Denver that Mrs. Metcalf arranged, which class we were in when the Kennedy assassination happened and more. Even with a small attendance, the time was truly a treat for all who attended.

An idea was created to express our class's appreciation and thanks for all the support, positivity, loyalty and more that the community of Sundance has shown class members – the "High Five to Super Sundance Drive." A classmate agreed to match the received donations from those attending and those who sent fond thoughts/dollars of times in Sundance.

The classmates earmarked the donations for Crook County Museum – "Old Stoney", the Friends of the Crook County Library, the Sundance Food Pantry, Blessings in a Backpack and Crook County Family Violence Services. More than $2400 will be donated in the name of the SHS Class of 1968 to show our gratitude and thanks for growing up in a wonderful, supportive community.

Seems appropriate that "Class of '68" members wanted to support "Old Stoney" as eight of us attended seven years of elementary school (K-6) in that grand old building: Connie Carr, Linda Edwards, Deborah Proctor, Sheryal Elwonger, Teddie Rounds, Judy Schloredt, Doris Haptonstall, Barb Weaver, Terry Toner and Marie Kipp. In first grade, Judy Clark, Susie Cole, Pat Duvall, Sue Lantz, Doug McLauglin, Janette O'Haver and Bessie Ross joined us for our elementary school years.

It feels different not to see the hallowed halls of our SHS building, but the Sundance Square is a wonderful replacement, and the good memories continue although the small size makes one wonder how there were more than a dozen classrooms, a gym, a library, a shop, a cafeteria and more in that space.

Congratulations to the museum district for creating a remarkable collection of artifacts and a beautiful physical facility to honor Crook County's past.

Next up – plans for a multiple '60s era class reunion in the future.

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