Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


City of Sundance

September 5, 2023

The Town Council met this day in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in Sundance Council Chambers with Mayor Paul Brooks presiding. Roll call was taken by Mayor Paul Brooks with Council Members, Callie Hilty, Randy Stevenson, Joe Wilson and Brad Marchant present.



Sundance Reality- Customer Deposits Payable $100.00; 21 Electric-Streets Outdoor Courts, Water Scada- $1017.50; AT & T-Water Misc $112.51; Barco-Park Supplies $97.55; Campbell County Public Works – Garbage Gate Fee $2190.35; Caselle Inc – Computer Support $1421.00; City Clerk Treasurer- Admin Postage, Admin Misc, Fire-Equip & Maint $69.94; CNA-Admin Insurance $100.00; Croell Inc.-Street Supplies $517.82;Crook County Sheriff-PS Contract $24,937.50; CW Waste-Garbage Gate Fee, Garbage Recycling $18,444.93; Dakota Business Center-Admin Office Supplies $78.59; Deckers-Pool Supplies, Supplies, Janitorial Supplies, Summer Rec-Misc $425.00; Energy Laboratories Inc-Water Testing $66.00; Fence Tech Services-Street-Outdoor Courts $11,194.00; Grossenburg Implement Inc- Streets Equip Skidster, Cemetaries Equip & Maint $5689.91; Hartl Electric-Streets Light Maint $272.35 Hawkins Water Treatment-Water Chlorine Supply, Pool Chemicals $485.00; Marco-Admin copy machine $270.48; Mark Hughes- Admin City Attorney Retainer $2000.00; Huskers- Garbage Fuel- 256.59; Langer Industrial Services-Garbage Tipping $2865.00; Marco Technologies-Copy Machine Tech Support $98.04; Michelle Gillis-Swimming Pool Refund $50.00; Northwest Pipe Fittings- Water Supplies $5462.84; Omega Computer-Computer Hardware $1164.00; One Call of Wyo-Water One Call $13.50; Powder River Energy-Admin-Electricity, Street Lights, Tennis Courts, Softball, Water Electricity, Sewer Electricity, Garbage Electricity, Swimming Pool, Fire Electricity, Ambulance Electricity, Parks Electricity $12,159.55; Quik Signs-Fire Equipment $636.42; Rain Retail Software-Computer Support $1008.00; Range Telephone-Admin Telephone, Garbage/Landfill, Public Safety, Pool Telephone, Water Internet, Ambulance Telephone $740.90; Rolling Metal- Shop Gas, Shop Diesel, Garbage/Sanitation, Fire Fuel $2013.69; Servall Uniform- Admin-Janitorial $173.42; Sign Solutions-Street Supplies $1562.73; Slattery Enterprises Inc-Toilets Summer Rec $984.50; Sundance Hardware-Shop supplies $225.76; The Sundance Times-Admin Advertising $314.54; Tracy Motor Comp-Park Supplies, Shop Supplies, Fire Supplies $551.22; Trihydro Corp-Garbage Testing $1527.00; Trihydro Corp-Water City Engineer $2000.00; Trihydro Corp-Water 3rd Street- $7339.34; U.S. Postal Service $481.94; Visa # 5219- Admin Travel & Training, Admin Computer Support, Fire Travel & Training $1238.49; Visa #6241-Admin-Computer Support, Poolo Repairs, Water Vehicle Maint $636.83; Visible Difference-Admin Janitorial, Park Toilet Maint $1400.00; Volunteer Firemen’s Pension Fund-Fire Dept Retirement-$356.25; WAM-Assn Dues $1597.00; WAMCAT-Admin Travel & Training $275.00; Western Water Consultants Inc-Water Ryan Street $1047.91; Wonderware- Water Misc., Sewer Misc., Garbage Misc $36.95; WYDOT- Equip & Maint-$2.00; Payroll Administration, Maintenance,-Payroll $49,924.96; BC/BS-Health Insurance $14,257.25; City off Sundance-Flex Share $546.20; EFTPS -$13,903.71; Great-West Trust-Deferred Comp-$1290.00; NCPERS-Life In-$128.00; Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit- $7.59; Symetra-Long Term Disability $341.31; Wyoming Retirement System $7490.28; Wyoming Workers Compensation-$2015.68.

TOTAL $ 207,514.82

Approve Minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of August 1, 2023, as published. Approve the August adjustment report. Approve the August Paid Invoice report. Approve the September Unpaid Invoice Report. MOTION CARRIED (per consent agenda).



Trihydro Update

City Engineer Karla Greaser reported that she will be stepping back and working part time as needed for Trihydro. Michelle Sell will be taking the primary point of contact for Trihydro for the City Engineer contract. Michelle has been with Trihydro for nearly 20 years. Trihydro acquired a small two man engineering firm out of Sheridan. Both gentlemen have 20 years of experience with the same type of civil engineering work; water, sewer, streets, pavement maintenance. Scott Lee is in Lander and serving on the 3rd Street Project; working on finalizing the 30% design. Will be reaching out do get more survey work done with EA Engineering. WWC Engineering is working with Trihydro with the Ryan Street project.

Mayor Brooks asked Trihydro to look into smaller projects that could be used under the Wyoming Rural Water funds.

Municipal Judge Christopher R. Ringer

Mayor Brooks swore in Christopher R. Ringer the Oath of Office for Municipal Judge.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to affirm the appointment of Christopher R. Ringer as the Municipal Judge for the City of Sundance. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance 2, 2008 – Regulating Parking of RVs, Utility Trailers and School Buses

Doug Crisp and Wendy Crisp have asked for a variance on Ordinance 2, 2008.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to grant Doug Crisp and Wendy Crisp their variances as well as send out letters to those not in compliance and have Doug Crisp and Wendy Crisp’s variances sunset December 1, 2023. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Agreement with Crook County Veterinary Service as City Pound

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to table the agreement until next meeting. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


Land Use and Planning Minutes of August 28, 2023

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to table Item A for 30 days and approve Land Use and Planning’s recommendation for all other items. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

A. Dog Pound New Owner Requesting Variance to build Residence 101 E. Cleveland

B. Richard Ryan Pole Barn W. Main St. (approved as long as the pole barn is not taller than the 35’ allowed in Low Density Residential)

C. Ron Vore Garage and Sun Room 915 S. 11th Street

D. Green Mountain Estates Gazebo 720 S. 3rd Street


Jeremy Holt, Economic Development Board, reported that they are working on a similar grant that they turned in last month. This one is due in September.

Jeff Hodge, Crook County Sheriff, reported 135 calls for the month. In the agreement with the Crook County Veterinary Service, there is mention of euthanizing animals that are not claimed. Sheriff Hodge wanted the council to know that he and his deputies will not be euthanizing animals.

Fred Devish, Crook County Commissioner, wanted to discuss the trees that are on the Cleveland side of the courthouse. Joe Baron found that the responsibility of the trees is with the City of Sundance. Will talk about it at a later date. Mayor Brooks asked Commissioner Devish if a dialogue could be reopened with the Commissioners concerning a county waste district.

Trevor Keyworth, Land Use and Planning, suggested that they review possible rules for tiny homes, solar panels, wind towers, and green space for the City of Sundance.

Public Works Director, Mac Erickson reported that Geis’ Honeywagon cannot legally apply sewage in the county anymore. Jim Geis requested to be able to dump in the city lagoon, but was denied.

Fire Chief Gari Gill reported that he is keeping members around 20.

Theresa Curren, Clerk Treasurer, reported that the F66 audit is almost done. It is due September 30th. Paul and Sophia from Leo Riley and Company came to Sundance for a couple of days to work on the regular city audit. Helen had knee surgery last Wednesday and will be out for another five weeks. Would any of the council want to be nominated as a municipal officer for the LGLP Board? Mayor Brooks asked that it be brought up at the next meeting in October. Attended the Public Officer Training and thought it was really beneficial and learned a lot. We need to renew bonds and Ordinance #6 only shows bonds should be at $500. Mark Hughes said he would look into it. Contacted Rusty Speidel and Shad Schloredt. They will start shooting deer again when the weather cools off. The Community Facilities grant opened September 1, 2023 and will close October 15, 2023. The City of Sundance will apply for this $2,800,000 grant for Phase II of Old Stoney.

Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m.

Mayor Paul Brooks


ATTEST: City Clerk Theresa Curren

Publish: September 14, 2023

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