Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

70th Class Reunion

We, the class of '53, donned our bifocals, hearing aids and Depends and headed over for Uncle Louie's café. We drove fast before we forgot where we were going.

We couldn't remember keeping Old Stoney company but it didn't matter 'cause we couldn't hear each other anyway. We yelled at the waitress to wait on us but she said she'd already served us our prune juice.

Shirley was just her usual brain-dead self, Evelyn said she'd forgotten her meds. Jeanie was late 'cause her pet sheep were lambing. Ella Mae nodded off. We tried to converse with some of the people that we know, but they said they never heard of us.

We asked each other how many great-grands we had and we pretended like we knew. Best blessing is we can get by with so much when we're old.

People help us into our cars so we can drive. Trouble is, when we get home there's no one to help so we sit there till someone comes along.

I once lost my teeth and it was three days before anyone came by. There wasn't anything to smile about and broth isn't all that bad. We'll stay optimistic cause we'll die soon anyway.

I have to pick up my prescriptions. I keep 26 doctors gainfully employed. I'm buying stocks in Tylenol and Poise Pads. I'm looking forward to next year unless I croak over first.