Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

County delegates excel at Girls State

Wyoming Girls State was held June 4-10 at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne and offered three local students the experience of being elected to high office. Girls State is a week-long session all about learning how government works on the city, county and state levels.

Willow Lindholm, Sundance, was elected as Governor. Ahnya Moody and Natalee Harrison, Hulett delegates, were elected as Treasurer and County Commissioner, respectively.

The girls were sponsored by Hulett Post 80, American Legion Auxiliary, Audrey Ebsen and Janet Cole Lake, Girls State co-chairs. 

Willow said that "it was one of the best experiences of my life, and I hope to use the knowledge and skills I learned there in my future." As this year's governor, Willow will attend next year's Girls State to assist with the program.

According to Ahnya, "Girls State was a memorable experience that empowered me and will impact me for the rest of my life." In addition to being elected as State Treasurer, Ahnya enjoyed being the Paintbrush Police Officer, the Outstanding City Delegate and being a Fabulous 5 a.m. Fitness Super Star.

For Natalee, Wyoming Girls State, "Was a once in-in-a lifetime experience. I met so many amazing people and made so many fantastic memories. If I could do it again, I 100% would."

The purpose of American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wyoming Girls State is to provide citizenship training for girls who have completed their junior year of high school; to afford them an opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens; to inform them about the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship, in order that they may understand and participate in the functioning of their government and to help them grasp the meaning of some of the responsibilities which they must assume when they become adults. 

Girls State was developed from the idea that youth should be offered a better perspective of how government operates on a practical level, and also that the individual is an integral part of that government and ultimately responsible for its character and success.

The American Legion Auxiliary organized the program in 1941. Today, delegates can apply for three college credits through Laramie County Community College after completing the week.

The application process for next year's event will begin on February 1, 2024 and is open to any female student in eleventh grade.

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