Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

June 28, 1923

Federal officers Bruce Hodge of Sheridan and R.E. Hoffman of Salt Lake City, accompanied by Sheriff Otis Zimmerschied, made a four-day survey of Crook County last week in search of the illusive hooch-maker with his silent still. The officers failed to find anything worth taking into custody and are convinced that, although operations probably have been carried on at different points, the illicit business has been dropped through the activities of the county staff. Crook County is probably as clean as any section in the United States.

Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Thomas got nicely settled in their new home, the Hoyt residence, last week. This seemed to start the ball rolling and Otis Reynolds moved into the house they vacated. Chris Foley now occupies the Holbrook corner, and Charles Caulkins moved into the brick thus vacated. Next came O.J. Erickson to occupy the Truman Fox residence, and Will Vines takes the Fred Hawken corner.

Seventeen cans of fish were received by the county clerk on the 22nd and were placed in various streams in the south Bear Lodge district. This consignment from the Story hatchery were the best yet received and in excellent condition. Applications for fall delivery will be accepted by the county clerk and communicated by him to the State Game and Fish Department.

75 Years Ago

June 24, 1948

Voters of Crook County's 23 school districts have apparently turned thumbs down on the proposition of redistricting Crook County school districts into one unit. An incomplete and unofficial tally shows that the voters so far had defeated the single district by 90 votes with a total of 360 for and 450 against.

A fire started by lightning caused a barn at the Rodney Port ranch eleven miles west of here to go up in flames. Starting about 11:45 Monday, the fire consumed the entire building and an adjoining shed before volunteer firemen from Sundance could reach the place. A shed, one horse, hay, a large amount of grain, harness and saddles, as well as the barn, were completely destroyed.

50 Years Ago

June 21, 1973

Four Crook County residents, Dave and Lea Ann Thompson, Hulett, and Garvice and Janice Roby of Sundance, participated in the Southeast Practical Police Course Pistol Match in Laramie. Garvice Roby won two firsts and a second in the grand aggregate, in marksmen competition. He combined with Pete Muchmore of Medicine Bow to win the team match in his class. Dave Thompson competing in the masters, won two firsts and one second, and he combined with Bob Sexton of Laramie to win the team match in his class. Janice Roby placed second in the Annie Oakley Class A division.

Carla Linklater and Rodney Vineyard were the top Crook County horse judgers in a quarter horse judging contest at the Fred Wilson ranch, south of Newcastle. Miss Linklater participated in the senior division and Vineyard was in the junior division.

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