Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


City of Sundance, Wyoming

June 6, 2023

The Town Council met this day in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Paul Brooks presiding.

Roll call was taken by Mayor Paul Brooks with Council Members, Callie Hilty and Brad Marchant present. Council Members Randy Stevenson and Joe Wilson attended by phone.

Clerk Treasurer Theresa Curren also attended by phone.


Angela Hemmah-Customer Deposits Payable- $18.29; Bearlodge Engineering $13.90; 21 Electric- Water Maint $1798.80; AT & T -Water Misc $87.12; Campbell County Public Works-Garbage Gate Fee $791.20; Caselle Inc – Computer Support $1421.00; City Clerk Treasurer-Admin Postage $3.22; Crook County Family Violence-Admin Family Violence $1500.00; Crook County Sheriff Service- PS-Contract $23,750.00; Curtis Williamson-Firemans Fund $314.67; CW Waste-Garbage Gate Fee, Garbage Recycling $17,503.71; Dakota Business Center-Admin Office Supplies $89.70; Dallas Johnson-Firemens Fund $158.38; Deckers-Admin $43.77; Energy Lab $66.00; Gari Gill- Equip & Maint $181.76; Grossenburg- Street Veh Purchase $15,875.00; Hartl Electric- Streets Light Maint $1299.37; Hawkins Water Treatment-Water Chlorine Supply $3512.42; Hot Iron Inc-Water North Booster $16,150.00; Mark Hughes- Admin City Attorney Retainer $2000.00; Huskers-Garbage Fuel $602.73; Impressions Embroidery-Streets Misc $81.25; Karen’s Delivery Comp-Streets Misc $18.00; Lowe Roofing-Maint $329.15; Marco-Admin Copy Machine $270.48; MES Rocky Mountain- Equip & Maint $76.56; One-Call of Wyoming $21.00; Powder River Energy- Admin, Street Lights, Tennis Courts, Softball, Water, Sewer, Garbage, Daycare, Swimming Pool, Fire, Ambulance, Parks Electricity $10,032.78; Powder River Energy-Daycare $4000.00; Range Telephone-Admin, Fire & Ambulance, Garbage, Fire, Swimming Pool $605.83; Rolling Metal-Shop Gas, Shop Diesel, Garbage, Fire- Fuel $1029.54; Servall-Admin Janitorial $161.44; Summit Signs and Supply Inc-Street Signs $30.00; Sundance Hardware- Water Supplies, Park Supplies, Janitorial Supplies $191.86; The Sundance Times- Admin Advertising, Water Advertising, Garbage Suppliess - $930.75; Tracy Motor-Garbage Supplies, Streets Supplies, Fire Dept Equip & Maint $ 1092.66; Trihydro Corp-Garbage Testing $3997.06; Trihydro Corp- Water City Engineer $2000.00; U.S. Postal Service $337.38; Vanway Trophy & Award Inc $262.70; Visa # 5219- Admn Office Supplies, , Firemans Fund, Admin Water Travel & Training $832.27; Visa #5235- Admin Travel & Training, Firemens Fund, Water Travel & Training, Mayor Travel & Training, Summer Rec Sports Equip $1603.61; Visible Difference - Admin Janitorial $500.00; Volunteer Firemen’s Pension Fund-Fire Dept Retirement-$412.50; Wesco Distribution Inc $160.88; Weston County Children’,s Center $2000.00; Wonderware- Water Misc., Sewer Misc., Garbage Misc $34.95; WY Dept of Agriculture $50.00; Payroll Administration, Maintenance,-Payroll $32,394.51; BC/BS-Health Insurance $12,297.85; City off Sundance-Flex $546.20; EFTPS -$9868.13; Great-West Trust-Deffered Comp-$1290.00; NCPERS-Life In-$128.00; Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit- $6.19; Symetra-Long Term Disability $327.35; Wyoming Retirement System $7194.77; Wyoming Workers Compensation-$958.90

TOTAL $183,223.40

Approve Minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of May 2, 2023, as published. Approve the May adjustment report. Approve the May Paid Invoice report. Approve the June Unpaid Invoice Report. MOTION CARRIED (per consent agenda).

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to approve the fee proposal from Trihydro for the 3rd Street waterline project in the amount of $164,523. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to pass ORDINANCE 1, 2023 Budget 2023/2024 on its third and final reading. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to allow the Mayor to sign the rental and services agreement for Kid Prints Inc. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Brooks read outload to the City Council members Sheriff Contract Appointment Motions.

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to appoint as Peace Officers. Move to appoint the Sheriff and Deputies to be peace officers able to enforce the municipal ordinances set forth in the 2023/2024 Sundance Law Enforcement Services Agreement and in accordance with Wyoming Statute §7-2-106(b). All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to appoint Special Municipal Officer. Move to appoint Mac Erickson, in accordance with Wyoming Statute §15-1-103, to issue municipal citations pursuant to Wyoming Statute §7-2-103 (a-e) to individuals for the limited purpose of enforcing ordinances, resolutions and regulations in the areas of animal control, parking and municipal code enforcement. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to approve the May 22, 2023 Land Use Committee Meeting minutes except for D. Dwight Jundt application to pull for discussion. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Dwight Jundt presented to the City Council a variance request for his house and garage. The variance is for 9 feet on 5th street and 8 feet on Thompson Street. This will allow for the new construction to line up better with neighboring property.

COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to approve the variance request for Dwight Jundt. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Building Permits Issued:

A. Ron Clark 88 N 21st St Car Port

B. James Grote 615 E Thompson Fence

C. Jill Hartman 506 E Ryan St Fence

D. Dwight Jundt 5 th & Thompson St House & Garage

E. Perry Livingston 704 E Sewell St Retaining Wall

F. Linda Mike 110 W Edna St Fence, Shed & Carport

G. Caleb Moeller 10 Mtn View Dr Privacy Fence

I. Steve Mott 818 5th St Shed

J. Joseph Neimeyer 1117 Liberty Lane Gazebo

K. Sundance Rentals LLC S 27th Street RV Storage Rental Unit

Tom Reeves of Wild Horses Building Campions Inc. handed to the council information on a program he wants to bring to Sundance. He has met with members of the Crook County Fair where the event is planned to be held. Mr. Reeves and his wife will be meeting with the Chamber of Commerce to work out a date. This program will bring people to town helping local economy. They also educate on child human trafficking prevention. Mayor and Council gave their support and encouragement.

Nicole Schuler spoke to the council on behalf of Cade Wilson who has recently competed in the International Academic Competitions. Cade placed 1st out of 65 regional competitions. Cade and Nicole extended thanks to the community for the support they received.

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED to refund Sundance Rentals LLC for the difference owed on a new building permit, compared to a previous paid permit that was not used. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to approve RESOLUTION 10, 2023-Local Government Retrofit Grant for Updated Lighting and A/C Replacement. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to approve supporting Crook County Natural Resource Districts Electronic Recycling in the amount of $ 2000.00 dollars. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Next months City Council meeting will be held Wednesday July 5th, 2023 due to the 4th of July Holiday.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to approve two 24 hr. catering permits for The Dime Horseshoe Bar. Street dance & summer bash June 24, 2023 and 4th of July bash on July 1, 2023. Both to be held on 3rd Street. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Department Head Reports:

City Engineer Karla Greaser has given recommendations regarding a county resident, Ron Anhorn requesting water service. MS Greaser will continue to work with Public Works Director Mac Erickson and City Attorney Mark Hughes on this matter.

Trihydro is waiting for information on an ARPA funded project for Ryan St project.

Sheriff Department reported 106 calls for the month.

Public Works Director, Mac Erickson reported he has been in contact with the School District regarding the Basketball Court. The School will partner with the City on the rehabilitation project. Mr. Erickson will meet with WWC, an engineering firm from Gillette for estimates. Three areas affected are the Tennis Court, Basketball Court, and Pickle Ball.

Mayor Brooks acknowledged members of the Pickle Ball group who were in attendance and stated the City will work towards getting this important recreation area back in shape.

Mr. Erickson stated he is concerned about letting single county residents tap into the City’s water system. He feels this could be problematic in the future. Mr. Erickson will work with City Engineer Karla Greaser and City Attorney Mark Hughes on what is best for the City.

Mr. Erickson will work with City Attorney Hughes and City Engineer Karl Greaser on a water agreement for a water user on Government Valley Rd. Ownership has changed for the property. The water agreement needs updated.

Mr. Erickson is waiting for information on the ARPA funded Ryan Street project. He should have an agreement by next month’s meeting.

Fire Chief Gari Gill reported his department had several life flight assists and one vehicle accident that required extrication. Mr. Gill asked if the City could prepare a place for the helicopters to land near the Baseball fields. Mr. Gill and Public Works Director Mac Erickson will get together and look and the area involved.

Jeremy Holt from the Economic Development Board reported that the board will be sending a member to a grant writing class. Mr. Holt will be working with Clerk Treasurer Theresa Curren on the budget for the Economic Board and figuring out line items.

Meeting adjourned 7:50 p.m.

Mayor Paul Brooks

Deputy City Clerk Helen Engelhaupt


Publish: June 15, 2023

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