Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

June 7, 1923

Dr Clarenbach reports the birth of a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kokesh Tuesday evening.

Representatives of Waldron's Electric Road Show were in Sundance Monday and billed this place for the production of the eight-reel feature, "The Birth of a Nation", at club hall next Monday evening.

By proclamation of May 14, the President formerly consolidated the Bridger National Forest with the Wyoming National Forest, and the entire area will, hereafter, be known as the Wyoming National Forest. The two forests have been under joint administration for the last three years.

Actual construction work started on the high school building Monday morning, and with the laying of the first rock in place good progress was made by the six men employed. Will Sasse, foreman of construction, states that seven more stone masons will be on the job the first of next week, when operations will go along speedily. Rainy weather threatens to interfere some this week.

75 Years Ago

June 3, 1948

Ranger George Forsuch took over active duty at the Sundance ranger station Wednesday of this week. He and his family arrived from Douglas Tuesday. Ranger and Mrs. Wm. Beckley and daughter Nancy left Wednesday for their new station at Boulder, Colorado.

A.B. Durfee installed a large neon-lighted electric clock on the front of his clothing store in Sundance Monday.

Wesley Huckins, a veteran of World War II delivered the Memorial Day Address at services in Sundance Sunday sponsored by the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post.

Congressman Frank Barrett last week advised the president of the Sundance Commercial Club that he would do everything he possibly could to get the bureau of reclamation to locate a new road over Keyhole Dam.

50 Years Ago

May 31, 1973

Third reading of the city's new trash ordinance will be held Thursday at a special meeting of the Sundance city council. In commenting on the trash hauling situation, Mayor G.E. (Buster) Popham said burning of trash will be prohibited as soon as the new ordinance becomes effective.

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