Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Cards of Thanks

Thank You

Thank you to my children and grandchildren for the wonderful party and thank you to the neighbor with the cupcakes. Thank you to everyone for the cards, letters, phone calls and for coming to my birthday party. You are all what made my birthday so special.

Joan Kokesh

Our Thanks

First, we would like to thank the ancestors in our Farrall community that knew the importance of community and the need for a gathering place. This was the conception of Farrall Hall and the Farrall Rural Club 111 years ago.

This gathering place provided a place not only for fun activities to gather after a long summer harvest or just a long cold winter but also a place to meet with concerns. Remember, they came to Wyoming Territory and homesteaded here in a hostile land with no roads, few towns, no electricity nor running water. The food they ate had to be provided by themselves. And we think we have it rough!

Secondly, we would like to thank the present generation of our community, our children, our young neighbors and all their friends from surrounding communities who still understand the importance of such a place. They want to maintain and preserve the legacy our forefathers started well over a century ago as well as incorporate a Fire Hall to help with the worry of winter fires.

They recently held two fundraisers in conjunction of one another for the benefit of both projects. We could not be prouder of these young people!

And last, but certainly not least we would like to thank the Farrall Community, surrounding communities and people across state lines who so generously and graciously contributed. And thank you to the Fire Zone wardens from our surrounding communities that helped with the events. When dealing with fire, there are no lines!

And thanks to everyone who came to participate in any or all the activities. It was an overwhelming experience and the generosity of everyone was not overlooked.

We cannot express the gratitude we have for so many who took the time to help in any way for two very dear causes of ours. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Dave and Beth Ellsbury

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