Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

April 24, 1923

Three well loaded wagons passed through here Saturday with supplies and tools for the highway work now starting at Rocky Ford. The job includes a cement bridge and two miles of new road.

G.W. Williamson sustained a severe loss by fire Thursday when his farm residence was completely destroyed with all the contents. This is a hard blow to Grandpa Williamson, whose years are numbered by scores but it is hoped he will soon be able to rebuild.

Lawrence Good and Tom Straight started work Tuesday on the high school basement, with three four-horse teams. With the force available it will require but a few days to complete the job.

75 Years Ago

April 15, 1948

Junior Yeoman has finished his course, passed the test and received his private flying license. His mother was his first passenger. He also passed the government test, enlisted in the Air Force Cadets and is awaiting his call.

50 Years Ago

April 19, 1973

Morris Connally was elected commander of Devils Tower VFW Post 4311. He succeeds Howard Allen as commander of the veterans group. Other officers elected were Earl Gray, senior vice commander; John Swenson, junior vice commander; Harold Bernd, quartermaster; L.O. Tracy, judge advocate: Loren O’Haver, chaplain; Cal Hayward, surgeon.

The Bear Lodge FFA Chapter said its annual carnival will be held in the Sundance High School gymnasium on May 4. One new stand, the lollipop tree, has been added to this year’s carnival events. Food stands and a cakewalk will also be open during the evening. Other carnival stands planned are bingo, fish pond, hoopla, cork guns, fish pool, cane rack, dart balloon, dart number, novelty stand, baseball throw and push wheel.

25 Years Ago

April 23, 1998

The Sundance Area Chamber of Commerce first order of business on Tuesday was a discussion of how to improve the appearance of our downtown streets and sidewalks. Ralph Goodson, Bearlodge Engineering, presented information about using architectural-grade concrete for sidewalks. It is possible to create sidewalks that incorporate patterns, such as a boardwalk or some other theme. The chamber assigned the matter to a committee of three or four people who will contact downtown business owners to build support for the idea.