Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884



1. RMP is a public utility, as defined by Wyoming Statute §37-1-101(a)(vi)(C), providing retail electric service under certificates of public convenience and necessity issued by the Commission. RMP is subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction pursuant to Wyoming Statute §37-2-112.

2. On April 17, 2023, RMP filed an Application requesting authority to revise rates pursuant to two different rate schedules. The Company proposes to increase its Tariff Schedule 95 Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM) rates by approximately $50.3 million to recover deferred NPC. The Company also proposes to decrease its Tariff Schedule 93 REC and SO2 Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (RRA) rates by approximately $1.5 million to account for sales of RECs and SO2 emission allowances. The Company requests interim approval of the proposed rates effective for usage on and after July 1, 2022, subject to further review.

3. The following table summarizes the proposed price changes by tariff rate schedule. Within each rate schedule, the percentage change to individual customers may be higher or lower than the average due to rate design, customer load factors, and usage characteristics. The combined effect of the 2023 RRA and ECAM in this Application represents an overall proposed rate increase of approximately $48.8 million or approximately 7.4 percent.


Schedules 2, 19 4.9%

General Service

Schedule 25 5.4%

Scheduled 28, 29 6.7%

Large General Service

Schedule 33 7.8%

Schedule 46 8.1%

Schedule 48T 8.9%


Schedule 40 6.3%

Schedule 210 6.2%

Lighting Schedules

Schedule 15 4.6%

Schedule 51 2.9%

Schedule 54 9.5%

Schedule 58 11.3%

Overall 7.4%

4. This is not a complete description of RMP’s Application. You may review the Application at RMP’s Wyoming offices and at the Commission’s offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during regular business hours or on line at (Enter Record No. 17279) or RMP’s website at

5. Anyone desiring to file a public comment, statement, protest, intervention petition, or request for a public hearing in this matter must file with the Commission in writing on or before May 19, 2023. Petitions shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing as well as the position and the interest of the petitioner in this proceeding.

6. If you wish to intervene in this matter and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay at 711. Please mention Docket No. 20000-642-EM-23 in your communications.

Dated: April 18, 2023

Publish: April 20 and 27, 2023