Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
April 12, 1923
A pleasant surprise party was tendered Miss Grace Zimmerschied Friday evening, it being her birthday. Forty-three of her schoolmates were present and the surprise was a complete success.
Workmen started Tuesday to remove the fence surrounding the courthouse. The fence has served its time and with a city stock ordinance, it is no longer needed. The result is a great improvement in the appearance of the grounds.
The expected carload of machinery for the Belle Fourche Bentonite Products company arrived and consists of two 25-foot steel drums, four feet in diameter and the necessary fixtures.
75 Years Ago
April 8, 1948
With insect control work scheduled to be started within the next ten days in the Bear Lodge Forest Ranger Beckley announced that 35 men have been employed to date for the project work and that it is planned to bring men in from surrounding communities to bring the camp strength up to 75 men. All local men, about 12, who have applied have been hired. The camp at the fairgrounds is partially complete and spotting crews are now at work.
The Black Hills Alabaster Co. of Sundance, has rented the building recently vacated by the Cash market business and will move their alabaster equipment there in the near future. The company is running two shifts daily. It is owned by Bert and John Trotter and Alfred Vines.
25 Years Ago
April 9, 1998
State Representative Marlene Simons has announced her candidacy for an additional term. Simons has served in the position since 1978. Under state term limit statutes, Simons can only run for one more term. Simons indicates she is seeking the additional term to provide continuity in solving many items of unfinished business that she sees in the legislature. Chief among these are financing small school districts and tax changes the may effect other things we take for granted in our county.