Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

February 22, 1923

In some unknown manner a report gained circulation Saturday that the Belshe coal mine had been forced to shut down by failure of the vein. The Times learns from Mr. Belshe that the rumor is entirely unfounded and that the mine will go on producing for years to come, the vein showing up now as good as ever.

County Clerk Ball went to Gillette Saturday to superintend the work of making a transcript of the new boundary line between Campbell and Crook counties. By this change, which was legalized by the present legislature, Crook County gains considerable farm acreage.

75 Years Ago

February 19, 1948

Meeting in the County Agent's office last Thursday, a group of farm bureau members and a representative group of Sundance men organized what will be known as the Crook County Memorial Hospital Association. They selected two members from each of the farm bureau locals and towns. It was decided to let Moorcroft and Hulett pick their own representatives and select a chairman from the two to act as co-campaign chairman with C.D. Roberts, who was selected as campaign chairman. Bertha Frolander was selected treasurer of the newly organized association and Willet Keyser secretary.

It has been reliably reported according to press dispatches, that drilling will start of the oil leases southeast of Moorcroft. The site was estimated to be on the Robinsin ranch about 2 to 3 miles southeast of town.

50 Years Ago

February 15, 1973

An additional interchange service road and stockpass will be constructed on I-90 between Sundance and the South Dakota state line, the Wyoming Highway Department said this week. Changes to be made on the 17.5 mile project include an interchange at the junction of I-90 and the Moskee Road instead of the separation structure as prosed. A one-mile service road to be constructed from a machinery pass to provide access for two private landowners and a stockpass under I-90 to accommodate landowners along the project.

25 Years Ago

February 19, 1998

A group attempting to save Old Stoney has placed a petition in business throughout Crook County. Residents are asked to sign the petition in an attempt to convince the County Commissioners that many citizens feel more time is needed for the group to get organized into a legitimate financial entity capable of preserving the old school. This group hopes the building can be saved from sale or demolition and be made into a useful historical site for county residents.

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