Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

February 8, 1923

There are 23 cases of scarlet fever reported at Upton, and public gatherings are forbidden until such time as the menace has abated.

George Ripley started for Hulett Friday by car, but experienced some trouble and returned to get a more dependable rig. He made the trip by sleigh.

They say the groundhog saw his shadow last Friday and promptly went back for six weeks’ more winter. If it’s only six weeks, all right. In 1920 it was six months.

The bill to create Whitcomb County out of portions of Weston, Crook and Campbell counties died a hard death in the house Thursday. It was voted down after a stormy scene.

75 Years Ago

February 12, 1948

Sundance and Crook County will get the latest improvement in banking service with the installation of commercial tellers’ machines at the Sundance State Bank, according to an announcement made by Jay Durfee, cashier. Durfee said that this newest piece of machinery would be the first to be installed in the State of Wyoming.

Ben Sager, who is in Memorial Hospital, Casper recovering from injuries sustained when his ranch garage roof caved in on him, has been placed in a body cast and is now getting along pretty well it has been reported.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sisson of Sundance are the parents of an 8-1/2 pound boy born Monday at the Calvert Maternity Home, Spearfish. He was named Harry Gene.

The Sidney Harvey home in the east part of town is hearing competition and will soon be ready for occupancy.

50 Years Ago

February 8, 1973

Proposed plans for the new Sundance elementary school building will be reviewed by the public and the School District No. One board at a special meeting here Monday night.

Directors of the Our Place Youth Center meeting Monday decided that the youth center will be open Monday and Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons provided that necessary additional heating devices can be installed. The center will also be open on Friday nights following high school basketball and wrestling seasons. Serving on the youth center’s board are Steve Wilson, chairman; Kenny Denzin, vice chairman; Cindy Sprague, secretary; Sandy Bernd, board member; and Andy Fraser, honorary board member.

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