Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letters to the Editor

Dear Sundance area residents,

We moved to the area almost seven years and LOVE it here! We own a home on Canyon Springs Road and so enjoy living in the country EXCEPT one night a year...Halloween!

When we lived in towns we always decorated like crazy and would play Halloween music during Trick or Treating hours, and handed out lots of candy. Loved see everyone out having fun and enjoying a good old fashioned event!

Since we moved to the country we have missed all that fun and have many times said we need to find a spot in town to set up to see the kids and hand out candy and this year we are going to do it.

We will set up by the Methodist Church on Ryan Street. Please stop by and see us!!

Gerard and Laura Brennan


Dear Editor,

This letter is to the young lady and her friends who participated at the party in Fish Canyon on Saturday the 31st of July 2022. Your bonfire, lined with beer cans, got away and started the Fish Fire.

The Sheriff tells me that the minor girls were not drinking so you must be very forgetful because you left your size-7 shoes by my fish pond. If you would like your shoes back, all you have to do is call and apologize for the destruction you caused myself and our neighbors.

You burned over a million and a half dollars’ worth of timber not to mention the loss of the value of the land after being burned. You caused many people to be evacuated from their homes, cost the taxpayers 5.7 million dollars in fire suppression.

The Sheriff tells me I cannot site you for trespassing because over the last 12 years, I have allowed anyone who wanted to fish, picnic, free access to the 150 acre area. You destroyed 1600 acres that was primarily used for our handicapped hunting program.

I don’t know what the Sheriff, the District Attorney, Federal Attorney or the Forest Service might do in the future but I think a simple apology to my neighbors, the taxpayers and my family would have been appropriate but I guess time has changed and young people no longer have to take responsibility for their actions.

Ron and Barb Brunner

RBJ Ranch


Dear Editor,

Are we being represented or threatened by those who want our vote?

I recently attended a county political party meeting and a candidate was given an opportunity to speak to those in attendance.

This candidate won the primary, but almost 60% voted for one of the other candidates.

This candidate is upset about a “write-in” campaign for the candidate that came in second. The candidate expressed frustration, hurt feelings and felt insulted and wanted the county party to make a formal public endorsement and a monetary contribution to his campaign.

What I found very disturbing, was that it sounded to me like this candidate made a subtle threat on more than one occasion to the county political party, the county voters and those in attendance.

The candidate pretty much said that if an endorsement of support and/or monetary commitment was not received, and he still won in the General Election, he would not be very interested in working on behalf of this county political party, which would by default also include the voters in the county.

As a constituent, I would have been much more impressed if the candidate had said something like “If I don’t receive the endorsement and/or monetary support, and still prevail and win the General Election, I want to tell the county party and the county voters that you will see me work harder to represent you in my next term. I have obviously let you down if you won’t endorse or support me. But I will work for all the voters to earn their support, even those that didn’t vote for me.”

Well Amen to that!! But nothing remotely close to this was said.

Instead, what I heard was if you don’t support me, I’ll write you off like a bad check. What a slap in the face to those voters in the county that did support you, because you’re basically turning your back on them.

I hope voters will keep this in mind when casting any vote on November 8, “are we being represented or threatened by those who want our vote?”

Nancy Morgan

Crook County

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