Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

October 26, 1922

E.L. Blodgett came over from Lead Tuesday and connected up the new batteries for the Sundance State Bank lighting system. The result is much improved lights. Mr. Blodgett was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Nason of Minn. Mr. Nason is district engineer for the Willys Lighting Co. The party made a trip to the Tower yesterday.

Dubois – Archie Campbell of Oklahoma City and G. Woolery came back from their hunting trip with one of the largest bears that have ever been shot in this section. The animal is a silver tip or more widely known as the grizzly, weighing about 1200 pounds, with a 14-inch paw and measuring from head to foot about eight and one-half feet.

Secretary W.D. Fisher has received word from Bernard S. McMahan that the route of the National Shrine caravan next summer will follow the C.B. Hiway from Sioux Falls to Sheridan.

75 Years Ago

October 30, 1947

That Mrs. Tony Giachino, 72-year-old Italian woman of the Alva vicinity, was burned to death when flames consumed her home Tuesday is the opinion of County Coroner Albert N. Taylor. County Coroner Taylor waived all possibility of foul play and Sheriff Blakeman also discounted the possibilities. Mrs. Giachino lived alone and apparently was in good health although she had complained of not feeling well the day before. She is survived by a niece, a son and two daughters. A son, Martin, died in a Japanese prisoner of war camp in 1944.

Ed Mathews, Sundance rancher who was shot through the left arm in a hunting accident is now reported as getting along fine. Danger of infection is now past and as soon as the wound has healed sufficiently, a bone specialist will operate so that bones may be set, etc. Relatives say that Ed is feeling good and looking good.

50 Years Ago

October 26, 1972

Mrs. Alfven Reimer, Sundance has been named by Gov. Stan Hathaway to the Wyoming Bicentennial Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. Nels H. Smith. Mrs. Reimer has been the executive secretary of the Crook County Historical Society since its inception five years ago.

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