Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
100 Years Ago
October 19, 1922
Judge and Mrs. Ashdown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schloredt and Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schloredt formed a picnic party Sunday to get buffalo berries on Beaver creek. They all had a good time until it snowed and otherwise mixed the weather until chains were necessary.
Bob Odell called at the Times office Friday and reported three timber fires while threshing in the Carlile neighborhood. At N.R. Slott's ranch the timber took fire and resulted in a loss of 300 bushels of grain. On the same day a fire was started on north Miller creek near the Haley ranch five acres being burned over. The third fire was at the Hancock ranch. George Gardner happened to be at the house and held the blaze until help arrived. The damage here was nominal and was covered by insurance.
75 Years Ago
October 23, 1947
Ed Mathews, prominent rancher of the Sundance vicinity, was accidently shot through the elbow in a hunting accident Sunday presumable in the Owl Creek mountains in the vicinity of Thermopolis. While we were unable to learn the details, after being shot Ed was taken on horseback over mountain trails to a Jeep then by Jeep to a Thermopolis hospital and from there to Casper to consult a bone specialist. It is also reported that Ed had suffered loss of a considerable amount of blood and was in a serious condition but would recover.
Wesley Huckins has joined the staff of the Sundance high school faculty. He took over his new duties the first of this week. Huckins is replacing Mrs. Russell Bernd who substituted until another teacher could be found. He will teach World Geography, Sociology and World History and will also continue in his capacity as athletic coach.
50 Years Ago
October 19, 1972
Charles Wilson, laboratory technician at Crook County Memorial Hospital for the last three years, has been named acting administrator of the hospital. The hospital board named Wilson last week to serve as administrator until a permanent administrator is hired. Wilson came to the hospital as laboratory technician in September 1969.
Crook county absentee ballots for the general election are going to the far corners of the earth, the Crook County Clerk's office said. The office started mailing the ballots Monday and had mailed about 150 by Tuesday night. One ballot is going to the South Pole where Jerry Schloredt is stationed with the armed forces. Two other ballots are on their way to London, England. By Tuesday, 30 ballots had been mailed to Crook county servicemen stationed in different parts of the world.