Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


City of Sundance

October 4, 2022

The Town Council met this day in regular session at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Paul Brooks presiding.

Roll call was taken by Mayor Brooks with Council Members Joe Wilson, Bradley Marchant, Callie Hilty and Randy Stevenson present.

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to Appoint Theresa L. Curren as City Clerk Treasurer. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Brooks administered Ms. Curren the Oath of Office.


Fred Septka- Customer Deposits Payable $100.00; AT &T-Water, Garbage, Mayor $25.06; ATEC-Garbage Capitol Improvement $3213.06; Bearlodge Engineering & Surveying-Water-3rd Street $975.00; Campbell County Public Works-Garbage Gate Fee $1045.50; Caselle Inc-Computer Support $1421.00; City Clerk Treasurer- Admin Postage, Admin Misc. $53.85; Croell Inc-Streets Supplies $226.00; Crook County Sheriff Service $23,750.00; Crook County Weed & Pest-Streets Weed Control $64.00; CW Waste-Garbage Gate Fee, Garbage Recycling $19,089.23; Dakota Business Center Admin-Office Supplies $77.51; Decker’s Food Market-Pool Supplies, Adm Janitorial, SR Misc $527.35; Denzin, Jan-Audit $1400.00; Energy Laboratories Inc-Water Testing $850.00; Front Range Fire Apparatus $188.65; Grossenburg Implement Inc- Equipment Streets Maint. & Parts $3204.78; Hartl Electric-Streets- Cleveland Light Maint. $427.16; Hawkins Water-Chlorine Supply $40.00; Hot Iron Inc-Water AML Tank $23,815.04; Huskers-Garbage Fuel $256.60; Mark Hughes- Admin City Attorney Retainer $2000.00; Iron Horse-Garbage Transfer Station $3400.00; Marco- Admin-Copy Machine $257.92; Omega Computers Computer Support $90.00; One-Call of Wyoming -Water One Call $36.00; Paintbrush Services Admin, Softball, Special Programs-Toilet Rental $3804.35; Powder River Energy-Admin, Street Lights, Tennis Courts, Softball, Water, Sewer, Garbage, Daycare, Pool, Fire, Amb, Parks $13,883.24; Range Telephone-Admin, Fire & Ambulance, Garbage, Fire $713.04; Rolling Metal-Shop Gas, Shop Diesel, Garbage $1275.18; Security State Bank-Water AML Kid Tank $2646.12; Servall Uniform/Linen Co-Admin Janitorial $322.88; Sundance Hardware- Water Supplies $126.21; Sundance State Bank—Cat Crawler $25,245.15; The Sundance Times-Admin-Advertising $574.00; Tracy Motor-Garbage Misc, Streets Supplies, Parks Maint. Shop Tools-$1697.99; Trihydro Corp- Water-AML Kid Tank $2300.25; Trihydro Corp- Garbage Testing $933.28; Trihydro -Corp-Sewer City Engineer $2000.00; Visa #5235 Pool Supplies $74.26; Visa #5219- Admin Computer Support, Pool Supplies $130.10; Visible Difference -Admin Janitorial $1400.00; Volunteer Firemen’s Pension Fund-Fire Dept Retirement-$393.75; Wonderware- Water Misc., Sewer Misc., Garbage Misc. $34.95; WAMCAT-Assn Dues $225.00; Payroll-Administration, Maintenance, Pool, Recreation -Payroll-$32,363.74; BC/BS-Health Insurance-$10,826.50; City of Sundance-Flex-$475.30; EFTPS-$9536.03; Great-West Trust-Deferred Comp-$990.00; NCPERS-Life Ins-$96.00; Sundance State Bank-SKCC-$400.00; Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit-$6.33; Symetra-Long Term Disability-$278.52; Wyoming Retirement System-$6393.48; Wyoming Workers Compensation-$930.85.

TOTAL $206,610.21

Approve Minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of September 6, 2022, as published. Approve the September adjustment report. Approve the September Paid Invoice report. Approve the October Unpaid Invoice Report. MOTION CARRIED (per consent agenda).

City Engineer Karla Greaser updated the council on the Sundance Kid Tank project. Trihydro has submitted Change Order No. 7 for final reconciliation with Hot Iron Inc. The amount is a deduction of the overall cost.

COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON SECONDED a motion to approve Change Order No. 7 for the Sundance Kid Tank and water line project from Hot Iron Inc. in the negative amount of $10,948.28. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON SECONDED a motion to allow the Mayor to sign the Hard Water Well # 5 Water Agreement between WYDOT and the City of Sundance. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Discussion was held regarding the water tank horse pasture.

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to allow the current lease with Vicky Adams roll over to 2023. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to approve a re-plat of Block 1 Lots 4 & 5, in the Energy Plaza Subdivision. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to accept the September 26, 2022 Land Use and Planning Commission minutes as presented, pulling item E. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Discussion was held.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to allow City Attorney Mark Hughes to amend the wordage for uses allowed in the zoning code under industrial zoning to include retail sales. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Mayor Brooks accepted Land Use and Planning Committee Member Mark E Hughes resignation.

Building Permits issued:

Barbara Bowman-Edwards Sign 405 E Main St

Wendy DePina Fence 128 High Mile Rd

Sundance Rentals Garage Condo 27th Street

Wade Henderson Fence 515 E Main St

The Chapter 56 Permit from the Wyoming Game and Fish has been received. The permit allows up to 50 deer to be harvested. Discussion was held.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to add an additional 10 deer to the 2022 deer harvest contract. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


Discussion was held regarding a couple of items that need to be added to the budget. The Fire Dept Building Fund and the Pee Wee Football Program.

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to allow Clerk Treasurer Theresa Curren to make those budget changes. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Department Head Reports:

Sheriff Jeff Hodge reported 138 calls for the month. Mr. Hodge said he has been in contact with the County Attorney, City Attorney and Circuit and District Court Judges regarding Ordinance enforcement. The Sheriff Department has recently hired an officer and needs one more to fill staff vacancy.

Public Works Director Mac Erickson reported on the pickle ball court renovation plan. There is grant money available from Land and Water Conservation funds. It would be a 50% reimbursement after the project is completed. Mr. Erickson feels a more cost effective plan could be put together than concrete and will look into those options.

Mr. Erickson reported that the splash pad and sprinkler systems at the parks have been winterized. Mr. Erickson plans to attend a meeting October 27th in Cheyenne regarding ARPA Grant Funds.

City Engineer Karla Greaser reported she will be working on updating the zone map to included recent changes.

Ms. Greaser will be attending a WYDOT training in Casper next week for the 3rd Street culvert project. Trihydro has recently hired a grant manager and she is excited to have that additional resource available for upcoming projects.

Jeremy Holt of the Economic Development Board reported he had attended the meeting with Black Hills Energy. He said it was encouraging that they are laying the foundation of options to bring Natural Gas to Sundance. If the Oneok pipeline could be used there would be future possibilities of a refinery located in Sundance which would bring jobs and the need for housing.

Mr. Holt reported one of the things he hears a lot is the need of another Day Care facility.

Clerk-Treasurer Theresa Curren reported she has attended the WAMCAT Fall Institute held in Casper. Ms. Curren will also attend the Oct 27th meeting in Cheyenne regarding ARPA Funding.

Ms. Curren reported that the F66 Audit report has been accepted. She explained the need for the budget line item changes.

City Attorney Mark Hughes reported the ordinance enforcement discussed at last month’s meeting is moving forward. Mr. Hughes read the definition for Industrial uses and will amend it to include retail sales.

Council Member Joe Wilson reported he attended a convention with the Campbell County Commissioners regarding an Energy Tour. He said the discussion included energy, agriculture and tourism. He will keep updates as plans come together.

Meeting adjourned 7:15 p.m.

Mayor Paul Brooks

Deputy Clerk Helen Engelhaupt


Publish: October 13, 2022

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