Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

September 14, 1922

Mrs. Cecil Caulkins returned home Sunday from the hospital at Deadwood where she underwent a major operation. Her many friends will be glad to know she has quite recovered.

Miss Lilian Richardson opened the Pleasant Valley school Monday, and Miss Beulah Richardson the Weaver school.

The Schloredt threshing machine started doing business Tuesday, with Lou Schloredt and Tom Straight in charge.

75 Years Ago

September 18, 1947

J.W. Morris has entered a four-pound trout in the fisherman's contest being sponsored by the Fawkes Drug of Sundance. The trout was hooked by Morris on Sand Creek last Sunday. It was 20 inches long and had a girth of 12 inches.

Interested parties will meet Friday night in the city hall to organize a roping club for the Sundance district. It is also thought that the club when organized will have cattle in a pasture close to town where members might practice roping each week.

25 Years Ago

September 18, 1997

The Model A Ford of Dr. Clarenbach was a familiar sight in Crook County's earlier days, as the well-remembered doctor drove the car down many country roads to make house calls. Now the vehicle can be seen again in Sundance because it has been restored to its former glory. The restoration is a project that took over two years to complete, from the fund-raising stage until the time of completion. At the onset of the project, Bob Cronn was to do the work. Cronn, who has restored other older cars, was a bit overwhelmed by his workload and turned the project over to Mark Burgess to complete.

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