Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

June 8, 1922

A card from Miss Pollie Roberts, en route to Scotland with Mrs. Roberts, says that they expected to sail from New York June 4. She notes that storms were prevailing all the way across the continent.

A deal of considerable interest to Sundance was put through Tuesday when J. W. Zane affected the purchase of the Sundance hotel property from Mrs. W. A. Ripley. For several years past Mr. and Mrs. Zane have conducted the Zane hostelry with credit to Sundance and pleasure to the traveling public.

75 Years Ago

June 5, 1947

A pest control district to eradicate prairie dogs has been voted in by 50 percent of the farmers and ranchers of Crook County. Poisoning with 1080 will be done by the United States Fish and Wild Life Service starting sometime in July.

Seven men are presently employed sawing logs at the Hart Brothers sawmill east of Sundance. The mill which was moved in from Lytle creek last month is now in full swing and putting out about 8000 feet of sawed and planed lumber a day. Several housed on the grounds house the workers.

Raymond Roadifer has reported finding a rattlesnake den on Sundance Mountain. This information is being provided to Mr. A.M. Jackley, director of Reptile Control, Department of Agriculture, Pierre, South Dakota. Mr. Jackley has previously been contacted in an attempt to solicit his assistance in controlling rattlesnakes in the vicinity of the Hewes ranch.

50 Years Ago

June 8, 1972

The Sundance Lions Club will hold its annual light bulb sale this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. There will be a door-to-door canvass by the Lions Club members selling the light bulbs. The funds from the sale will be used for various community projects, like the ice-skating rink, eye glasses and the Easter program.

The Aro Café in Sundance came under new management May 23 when Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Jacobs, Newcastle, purchased the Aro from Harold Cool, Four Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs took over operation of the Aro from Lyle Warner, who had operated the café since 1967.

25 Years Ago

June 5, 1997

The 8th Annual Bearlodge Fat Tire Challenge was held in Sundance on Sunday. The event drew 171 competitors from around the area including North Dakota and Montana. The men’s winner was Pat Bower. Women’s expert winner was Tass Thacker. Area riders who placed included Sean Heeney, third in the Advanced Senior class; Mike Harper, second and Elliott Heilman fifth in the Sport Senior class; Ethan Reinhold, sixth in Sport Pre-Junior; Freddie Kokesh, seventh and Tom Richards tenth in Sport Veteran.

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