Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

May 18, 1922

By the letter from C.O. Diefenderfer, district engineer, it will be seen that the much longed-for road over the Bear Lodge will become a reality before the summer is over. Right of way must be secured before beginning construction and to this end Mr. Bond will come over within a few days and in company with Commissioner John Thorn, go over the proposed route.

H.O. Punshon, representing the Continental Oil company, spent several days in this vicinity looking over the company prospects with J.T. Farrell, local agent. It is expected to install a storage reservoir here in the near future.

75 Years Ago

May 15, 1947

A.B. (Bud) Durfee was named Mayor of Sundance for a two year term and Dwight Hart and Claude Sackett councilmen for terms of four years each in the municipal election held in Sundance, May 13. The new officers will take their positions in June and will work with Chas. B. Chittim and John J. Binney, both hold-over councilmen.

A Crook County Fair Board was named by the Board of County Commissioners at their last meeting and it is comprised of Julius Hewes, Sundance; Mrs. L.G. Landers, Sundance; Carl Johnson, Hulett; Cora Vore, Sundance; James Wham, Moorcroft; W.F. Tracy and A.J. Altizer, Sundance and Commissioner Ralph Nickelson, Aladdin.

50 Years Ago

May 18, 1972

An emergency meeting of the Crook County Wildlife Association held here Friday night to discuss a 90-day deer season in a portion of Area No. 4 ended in confusion. An estimated 150 county residents and Game and Fish Department personnel jammed the VFW Hall and overflowed through the front door. After three hours of facts and figures on deer population and deer kill, of arguments over the seriousness of the deer problem in the involved section and discussion on whether the 90-day season would decimate the county's deer herds, three votes were taken just before the session broke up. Those included a motion to oppose the 90-day season, a motion that a 60-day season be held and a motion calling for a 15-day season on bucks in Area 5. Assistant State Game Warden Rex Corsi said the motion on the 60-day season will be presented to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission for its consideration. Residents attending the session grew considerably irked along toward the tail end of the meeting when Corsi said the 90-day season had already been set by the commission, with the hunting orders printed and already mailed to non-resident hunters.

Senior Robin Hibbard raced home a winner in the 880-yd run in the record time of 2:03:8 as Sundance High School placed fourth out of 34 schools in last week's state track meet at Torrington. Hibbard's first place finish brought the school its first state track trophy, as far as records and the school's trophy case indicate.