Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

Dec. 29, 1921

The bazaar held Thursday by the Ladies Aid society was well patronized and a splendid success. Something over $60 was realized.

Will Oudin made final proof on additional homestead entry Tuesday before Commission Thomas.

A car-load of corn is expected to arrive in Aladdin for the Farm Bureau next Saturday, December 31, 1921. This is a car of straight yellow corn and will sell for $1.05 or something near this.

75 Years Ago

Jan. 2, 1947

A 4-H Calf Club was organized December 8 at a meeting at the Claude Storm home, Hulett. R.W. Jolley will be the leader. The following boys and girl are in the club: Jimmy Storm, Topsy Storm, Jimmy Jenson, Van Meter Johnson, Arthur Linklater, Donna Jolley, Clarence Jolley.

The Tracy Motor Co., of Sundance, again is sponsoring their annual “Family Party” on the stage at the Commercial theater in Sundance.

Mrs. Richard Hooper, of Sundance, was painfully burned on her right hand and arm Monday morning of this week when she applied a match to a gas-filled oven and it exploded.

50 Years Ago

Dec. 30, 1971

Paul T. Liamos Jr. has been appointed judge of the Sixth Judicial District, which includes Crook, Weston and Niobrara counties. His appointment was announced Dec. 20 by Gov. Stan Hathaway.

A 17-year-old Hulett youth, Steve Storie, has been named as one of Sen. Gale McGee’s principal nominees to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Storie, Hulett. Storie was also named as an alternate to the Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.

25 Years Ago

Jan. 2, 1997

Ninety lucky people in Sundance enjoyed Christmas dinner with all of the trimmings on December 25 at the Senior Citizens Center thanks to Bill and Judi Sipe. Judi said that they are already talking about doing it again next year, that “it was so wonderful.”

A total of $567 was raised by the silent auction of the dolls and toys at the Sundance State Bank. Lorrie Redfield, chairman of the project, said that the money was divided among the Christmas Basket programs of the three towns: Sundance, Moorcroft and Hulett. The money went to the town where the doll was dressed or the toy designed.

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