Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884



Tuesday, December 7, 2021

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and Deputy County Clerk Melissa Jones.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

After discussion, Jeanne moved to approve the following resolution:



WHEREAS, per Wyoming Statute 18-3-103(b), county officers shall keep their offices open during the usual business hours of each day excluding Saturday, Sunday, legal holidays and other days established by the County Commissioners in the Crook County Handbook, Section VII; and,

WHEREAS, the Crook County Handbook, Section XII provides for the observance of the following holidays, as proclaimed by the County Commissioners:

THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming that the offices in the courthouse shall be open from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M Monday through Friday of each week, except:

1. The offices in the courthouse shall be closed on the following legal holidays and other days:


December 31, 2021 New Year’s Day (observed)

January 17 Wyoming Equality Day/Martin Luther King Day

February 21 Presidents’ Day

May 30 Memorial Day

July 4 Independence Day

September 5 Labor Day

October 10 Columbus Day

November 11 Veterans Day

November 24 Thanksgiving Day

November 25 Day after Thanksgiving Day

December 26 Christmas Day (observed)

Dated this 7th day of December, 2021.

Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A.

Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member.

State of Wyoming }

County of Crook }

Signed or attested before me on December 7, 2021 by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.

Melissa Jones, Deputy Crook County Clerk

Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to approve the minutes from November 2 & 4 and December 1, 2021. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to approve the following Disclosure Statements for Investment of Public Funds: Lincoln Driskill. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried

Jeanne moved for the Chairman to sign, as seller, on the titles for vehicles sold at the county auction. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to appoint Gary Anderson on behalf of HDR Engineering, Inc., as the Crook County Contract Engineer and Surveyor. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The following bills were presented to the Board:

Total Premium Pay-$145,343.36;Total Wages and Cell Phone Stipend-$219,977.62;Clerk of District Court-Filing Fees-$50.00;First American Title Co.-Closing Fees-Croell Land Purchase-$1,213.72;Roger Croell-Land Purchase-$100,000.00;Crook County Fair Board-Premium Pay-$2,314.00;Crook County Library-Premium Pay-$27,000.00;Travelers-Final Audit-$1,800.00;Roger Showman-Deployed Firemen Expenses-Schneider & Devils Knob Fires-$41,674.69;AFLAC-Insurance-$2,284.54;Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming-Health Insurance-$65,508.00;Clerk of the District Court-Garnishment-$413.00;Col. Life & Accident Ins. Co.-Insurance-$48.07;Crook County Payroll Tax Account-Withholding & Social Security-$103,197.57;Delta Dental of Wyoming-Dental Insurance-$2,602.00;Great-West Trust Company, LLC-Deferred Compensation-$2,130.00;NCPERS Wyoming-Life Insurance-$160.00;New York Life Insurance Company-Life Insurance-$607.96;VSP-Vision Insurance-$724.60;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$13,993.13;Wyoming Retirement System-Retirement-$50,187.91;Wyoming Educator’s Benefit Trust-Life Insurance-$216.32;A & I Distributors-Oil-$315.80;All Around Hardware-Wiper Blades-$53.98;Alsco-Shop & Courthouse Supplies-$396.42;Amanda Gaskin-Mileage & Per Diem-$374.30;April D. Gill-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;Architectural Specialties, LLC-Parts & Labor - Library-$2,992.13;AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone-$377.21;Axis Forensic Toxicology Inc-Drug Panel-$245.00;Big Horn Telecommunications LLC-Install Existing DID Phone Number-$765.00;Big Horn Tire Inc.-Parts, Labor & Tires-$5,444.92;Black Hills Chemical Co.-Courthouse Supplies-$498.34;Black Hills Energy-Electricity -$58.56;Blakeman Propane Inc-Dust Caps-$37.55;Brannan Trucking Inc-Contract Hauling -$4,750.00;Campbell County Memorial Hospital-Involuntary Hospitalization-$2,262.00;Carol Stutzman-Fuel-$20.01;CBH Co-op-Fuel-$17,798.21;Centurylink-E911 Telephone-$1,090.53;City of Gillette-Water-$6.50;City of Sundance-Water-$1,626.36;Clinical Lab of the Black Hills-Autopsy-$1,642.00;Colin Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$1,036.83;Contractors Supply Inc.-Parts, Impact Tool-$615.02;Crescent Electric Supply Company-Light Bulbs-$1,334.91;Croell Inc-Concrete, Road Base, Salt Sand-$7,739.92;Crook County Medical Service Dist.-Prisoner Foods & Meals, Drug Testing-$6,288.51;Crook County Treasurer-Postage-$345.46;Custom Auto & Truck-Labor, Parts, Services-$1,121.92;David Osborne-Mileage-$218.40;Decker’s Market-Supplies-$165.20;Defensive Edge Training & Consulting Inc-Training-$800.00;Employment Testing Services Inc-Drug Testing-$240.50;Ferguson-Parts-$1,243.19;Fisher Sand & Gravel-Base Course-$5,868.15;Galls, LLC-Surface Mount Light-$194.98;Geis Septic Tank Pumping-Pump Septic Tank-$250.00;Glaxosmithkline-Vaccine-$5,233.40;Grossenburg Implement Inc-Parts-$813.96;HDR Engineering, Inc.-Arch Creek Bridge Replacement-$16,228.83;Humphrey Law LLC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$608.30;J.O. McDonald-Drilling & Planting Grass Seed-$300.00;Jagow Enterprises Inc-Contract Hauling -$32,513.64;Jeffrey Hodge-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;Joseph M Baron-Slider-$9.98;JW Services, LLC-Contract Hauling -$1,924.79;Karen’s Delivery Co.-Delivery-$17.00;KC Transport, Inc.-Contract Hauling -$3,508.17;Kimball Midwest-Cable Ties-$89.33;Knecht Home Center of Spearfish LLC-Parts-$11,498.96;Kyle Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$2,365.82;Lakeview Wash & Storage-Car Washes-$96.19;Marco Technologies LLC-Copy / Maintenance Fee-$80.26;Matthew Bender & Co., Inc-Wy Court Rules 2021 Supp-$413.61;Max Robert Masters-GIS Consulting & Mapping Contract-$3,400.00;Menards-Rapid City-Pothole Patch-$95.76;Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.-Vaccine-$2,164.90;Monument Health-Morgue Use-$461.00;Northern WY Mental Health Center-County Funding-$10,000.00;Paradise Foods-Fuel-$127.51;Patrick Votroubek-Trees-$235.50;Powder River Energy Corp.-Electricity -$5,273.27;Pro River Tech-Computer, Monitor & Backups, Computer Services, -$12,174.84;Quality Agg & Construction, Inc-J Base-$996.29;Quality Hardware & Supply -Parts & Supplies-$261.58;Quill Corporation-Office Supplies-$420.70;Range Telephone Cooperative Inc-Telephone -$14,822.85;Redwater Welding-Cattle Guards-$42,975.00;Retractable Technologies Inc-Syringes-$571.50;RG Trucking-Contract Hauling -$19,586.97;Ringer Law, P.C.-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$400.00;Robert’s Machine & Repair-Parts & Repairs-$2,498.36;Rocky Mountain Fire Systems, Inc-Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Inspections-$2,310.00;Rocky Mountain Info Network-2021-2022 Dues-$100.00;Rolling Metal Sinclair-Fuel-$116.65;Saddle Tree Ranch Trucking LLC-Contract Hauling -$18,498.34;Salam International, Inc.-Pouches & Needles-$520.92;Sanofi Pasteur, Inc-Vaccine-$706.36;Sara Fleenor-Hotel-$225.00;Security Insurance Agency Inc.-Bond Renewals-$1,350.00;Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$1,742.19;Sign Solutions-Signs-$337.41;Source Management Inc-Office Supplies-$1,229.03;State of Wyoming-Mainframe User Access-$121.46;Stewart Trucking LLC-Contract Hauling -$7,051.28;Sundance Electric Inc-Parts & Labor-$1,639.18;Sundance Hardware & Sporting Goods-Parts & Supplies-$389.39;Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit Fees-$10.32;Sundance Times-Ads, Legal-$3,572.85;Svoboda Trucking-Contract Hauling -$6,908.57;Sylvestri Customization-Monthly Website Maint. Graphic Design & Social Media-$2,279.50;Thos. Y. Pickett & Co., Inc.-Contract Payment-$8,000.00;Timberline Services Inc.-Road Base-$10,468.85;Tongue River Communications-Jail Cable -$91.00;Top Office Products, Inc.-Office Supplies-$6,579.61;Tower Valley Ag Supply-Wiper Blades-$28.26;Town of Hulett-Water-$60.30;Town of Moorcroft-Water-$66.72;Tracker Software Corporation, Inc.-Annual Support, Maintenance & Azure Cloud Hosting-$873.00;Tracy L Jundt-Reimbursement-$2.01;Tracy Motor Company-Parts & Supplies-$3,235.51;US Post Office-Box Dues-$130.00;Varitech Industries Inc-Tank-$21,666.28;Verde Technologies-Deterra-$865.00;Vilas Pharmacy-Jail Meds, Office Supplies-$92.94;Visa-Adobe, Office Supplies, Parts, TV, Travel Expenses, Internet Services, Light Bar & Parts, Oil Changes, Mechanics Car, Straight Talk-$9,658.74;Visionary Broadband-Internet Service-$931.87;Vortex Optics-Window Mount & Cap, Tripod Kit-$485.95;W Bar Feed & Ranch Supply-Parts-$148.50;Warne Chemical & Equipment Co.-Honda Engine-$1,922.00;Wells Plumbing & Farm Supply-Parts-$239.42;White’s Queen City-Parts-$349.53;Windstream-Telephone-$71.52;WPCI-Policy Assurance Update & Clearing House Mgmt-$125.00;Wy Department of Health-State Nurse 1st Quarter-$13,541.89;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation & Firefighter Worker’s Comp-$611.78;WY Retirement System-Firemen’s Retirement -$618.75;WY State Forestry Division-Shipping-$550.00;WYDOT Motor Vehicle Division-New Plate-$5.00;WYDOT-Financial Services-Project Expenditures-$8.22;Wyoming Machinery Company-Motor Grader-$337,154.00;Zabel & Associates-Appraisal Report-$1,500.00;Total-$1,511,112.67;

Fred moved to allow all bills as presented. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried. A complete, detailed listing of the monthly expenditures can be found on the county website. They can be found under the County Budget tab and are listed as “Monthly Accounts Payable/Payroll Payments”.

Jeanne moved to transfer funds as follows: Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-112, notice is given that a Resolution has been proposed to transfer the following funds. Notice is further given that a hearing of the Board of Crook County Commissioners of Crook County, Wyoming will be held on January 4, 2022, at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to consider such proposed resolution.

$22,713.72 to Property Purchase-Firehall-from Emergency Reserves

$41,674.69 to Deployed Firemen Expenses-from Unanticipated Revenues

After discussion, Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The following monthly collections were collected:

County Clerk $14,316.80

County Sheriff $42,004.77

Clerk of District Court $4,664.00

Public Health (October) $12,642.77

Circuit Court $18,714.32

Linda Fritz, via teams, discussed redistricting.

Joe Baron, County Attorney, Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer and Theresa Curren, County Assessor were present to go over items of interest within their departments also present via Teams were Linda Fritz and Betty Lantis.

Melissa Jones, Deputy County Clerk: Office made 262 titles, recorded 534 documents, titles are a bit down but documents are still staying steady, ladies in the office have been working on getting older books in the system so they can be accessed from our online platform, Meghan & I worked on updating all the vehicle makes in the title system to match the NCIC codes, Linda has been working with our legislators and area clerks on redistricting maps.

Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer: Total receipts were $4,887,086.71 and disbursements to the county, county boards, towns and schools were $3,910,460.32. In November we did 4,026 transactions. We were busy at the counter and received a lot of property tax payments in the mail. As our deadline for the 1st half payment for property tax was November 10th.We did three property tax CP redemptions. I hired Teresa Lang as my Deputy Treasurer. She has been in training and doing excellent. I also interviewed applicants for the property tax clerk and hired someone who will start December 27th. I’m looking forward to having a full crew. Brenda is working on digitizing the tax roll records. She is on the 1970’s.

Joe Baron, County Attorney: Joe: New Cases: 38, Closed Cases: 17, Current Case Load: 183 In Court (November):42 Lynda: New Cases: 37, Closed Cases: 27, Current Case Load: 121, In Court (November): 30 We continue to hold court in person and by Video Conference with TEAMS, Joe dealt with office matters, telephone problems with vendor, setting up a case management system in the office, reviewing multiple law enforcement investigations, road easement disputes --- the Snooks easement, Mowery easement, Subdivision reviews--- Old Iron One Split Subdivision, Elected officials--- bond review, legal advice concerning employee policy matters and personnel matters, Coroner ---MOU with Weston County Coroner, county Road matters--- road numbers altering 160 (Wagner), 108 (Rifle Pit) and possibly vacating 21 and 56 (Black and Yellow across Moskee),

Public Road matters--- alteration of South Mountain Road draft large lot subdivision rules, special district matters Research COVID funds use, prepared for and appeared before the Joint Appropriation Committee on State Budget Item 160, work on Opioid Settlement agreement with Attorney General Office.

Theresa Curren, County Assessor: Everyone passed their classes this year and we are once again all certified in the office! The field appraisers are still picking up new construction and reviewing construction completes. Sales verifications have been completed through October. Currently on November in transferring ownership on parcels.

County Commissioners: Jeanne: Attended meeting with Hulett City Council and Range to work on broadband, reviewed BLM and Forest Service plans, spoke with representatives from Oneok, they will begin spraying weeds in April & May, reviewed documentation of what ARP funds can be used for. Fred: Had conversations on Mary Kuhl’s court case, conversations with landowners on fence issues, took calls on roads, watched 2 webinars regarding the spending of ARP monies, trying to keep up with redistricting. Kelly: Took several calls on road issues that turn out to be private easements, took a few calls on roads.

At 10:50 a.m., Jeanne moved to go into executive session per W.S. 16-4-405(a)(ix). Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Back into regular session at 11:07 a.m.

Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer submitted the following monthly report of receipts and disbursements for month end November 2021:

Receipts: Property Tax $3,946,872.80

Sales Tax $ 132,089.92

Misc Receipts $ 686,352.88

County Auto $ 121,771.11

Total $ 4,887,086.71

Disbursements Towns $ 246,224.27

County Boards/Districts $ 682,191.66

State & Local School $ 2,791,423.77

DOT/DOR/Rebate $ 189,198.45

Redemption $ 1,422.17

Total $ 3,910,460.32

Investments Sundance State Bank $ 0.00

Wyo-Star $ 411,359.06 $ 44.38 (October Interest)

Wyoming Class $ 1,000,693.20 $ 79.17 (October Interest)

Morgan Ellsbury, Road & Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor gave their monthly reports.

The meeting adjourned at 12:05 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and Deputy County Clerk Melissa Jones.

Carolyn Fowler, Secretary, Crook County Fair and Sara Fleenor, UW Area Educator gave monthly reports.

After discussion, Jeanne moved to make the following appointment: Josh W. Franzen -Fair Board Member – five-year term. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Kyle Borger, Executive Director, and Elise Hanslip, Case Manager, Wyo Help were present to discuss their program.

Tim Lyons, Growth & Development Administrator, and Morgan Ellsbury, Chairman, CCLUP&ZC gave monthly reports.

Present for the Final Hearing for the Gordon Subdivision #1 were Callie Hilty, Steve & Gabrielle Couch, Walter Gordon, Tim Lyons and Morgan Ellsbury. After information was provided by Tim Lyons and Callie Hilty and seeing no objections to the subdivision, Jeanne moved to approve the One Split Subdivision Plat, Order Approving One Split Subdivision, Easement, Trustee’s Deed and an Easement for Gordon Subdivision #1. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Ed Robinson, Emergency Management Coordinator and Doug Leis, County Fire Warden gave their monthly reports.

Present for the monthly IT update from Pro River Technology were Tammy Jundt and via Teams Tom Overstreet, Pro River Tech and Joe Baron.

A retirement celebration was held for Scott Newlin and Ted Moline.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 o’clock p.m.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and Deputy County Clerk Melissa Jones.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

Present for the Initial Hearing on the petition to vacate portions of Cold Springs County Road #21 and Lost Canyon County Road #807 were Mike McGuckin, Ranch Manager and Mark Hughes, Attorney for, Moskee Land Corporation, Morgan Ellsbury, Larry Schommer and Joe Baron and via teams, Holly Dyer, Assistant Director, Trust Land Management Division, Wyoming Office of State Lands & Investments and Betty Lantis.

Jeanne moved for the chairman to sign an Agreement to Cover Costs of Vacating a Portion of County Road No. 21 Known as the Cold Springs County Road and a Portion of County Road No. 807 Known as the Lost Canyon County Road and to move forward with appointing a viewer. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Morgan Ellsbury, Road & Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor continued their monthly reports.

The Board discussed the American Recovery Funds and possible uses.

Present to discuss the salary matrix were Morgan Ellsbury, Larry Schommer, Tina Wood and Joe Baron and via Teams Jeff Hodge, Sarah Pridgeon and Betty Lantis.

Tina Wood discussed the courthouse air quality.

Present to discuss the opioid settlement were Joe Baron and Tammy Jundt and via Teams Sarah Pridgeon and Betty Lantis.

Jeanne moved to approve the following resolution and for the chairman to sign documents that accompany it:




WHEREAS, the governing body for Crook County its Board of Commissioners has been presented the OneWyo Opioid Settlement Memorandum of Agreement litigated and negotiated on behalf of the State of Wyoming, its qualifying governmental entities including Crook County Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, Crook County will receive funds to be used for approved uses set forth in the Agreement generally to actively abate and alleviate the impacts of the opioid crisis and co-occurring substance abuse in Crook County and its municipalities; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners find that it is in the best interest of Crook County to enter into this statewide settlement agreement which is part of a nationwide settlement with the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Participants; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming to approve and enter into the OneWyo Opioid Settlement Memorandum of Agreement.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Joseph M. Baron, Crook County Attorney is designated as the authorized representatives of Crook County, Wyoming to act on behalf of the County on all matters relating to this Agreement.

Dated this 8th day of December, 2021.

Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A.

Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member.

State of Wyoming }

County of Crook }

Signed or attested before me on December 8, 2021 by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.

Melissa Jones, Deputy Crook County Clerk

Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 12:03 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and Deputy County Clerk Melissa Jones.

Sandy Stevens, Executive Director, CCFV&SAS, Mike Grosse, District Ranger, USFS, Bridget Helms, Office Manager, CCNRD, Lincoln Driskill, member and Wade Dennis, Chairman, Crook County Weed & Pest board gave updates on items of interest within their departments.

Jeanne moved to approve the Official Bond and Oath for Rachel Mahoney as Treasurer for the Crook County Promotion Board. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to sign a letter in response to the statement of agreement filed on criminal case No. 1690, State of Wyoming vs. Mary Kuhl. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Theresa Curren, County Assessor presented the following tax additions and corrections: C2481801001, C4521801001, R0006396 and R0006444. Fred moved to approve the tax additions and corrections submitted. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Present to discuss the BLM Resource Management plan were Joe Baron and via Teams Sarah Pridgeon, Rick Miller, Field Manager and Jim Hutchinson, Assistant Field Manager, BLM Newcastle Field Office, Sarah Anderson and Dru Palmer, President, Dru Consulting.

Jeanne moved for the clerk to use the boards facsimile stamps on the final documents for the FNRPA funds and the BLM & National Forest Service plans and to appoint Dru Consulting as Crook County’s consultant for these matters. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved for the county to pay a 5% cost share on services provided by Dru Consulting and Falon Law. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to appoint Jeanne Whalen as the primary contact and Dru Consulting, contingent upon a signed contract for services, as backup contact for the BLM and Forest Services plans. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved for Jeanne to write a letter of support for Range to receive funding to bring fiber services to the unserved portions in the Hulett area and for the clerk to use the board’s facsimile stamps on the letter. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 2: 55 o’clock p.m. to meet in regular session on January 4 & 5, 2022 at 8:30 o’clock a.m., in the Commissioner’s Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming.

Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman

Fred M. Devish, Member Attested: Melissa Jones, Deputy County Clerk

Publish: December 23, 2021

Rendered 01/30/2025 11:28