Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

Nov. 17, 1921

Fausto Musso, a coal miner, was killed and several other miners and county and federal officers were reported wounded in a raid on alleged moonshiners at Cambria, Sunday night, according to word received here Tuesday. A lively gun battle is said to have taken place at Cambria between officers and alleged moonshiners when the sheriff's posse and federal agents swooped down on the camp about midnight in quest of law breakers. Officers are said to have received a tip on alleged moonshining operations at Cambria two weeks ago when a car load of wine-making grapes were delivered, presumably to be used in the mining camp. Later reports indicate that Musso was shot in a private quarrel by George McCrea, formerly in the navy. A coroner's jury exonerated McCrea.

A big turkey shoot is advertised to take place at Beulah, Wednesday, Nov. 23. There will be a dance in the evening.

75 Years Ago

Nov. 21, 1946

Supervisor A.F. Hoffman of the Black Hills National Forest has announced that William S. Beckley will replace T.R. Cochran as ranger of the Bear Lodge district. The new Sundance ranger has had ten years experience, most all of which has been in the Black Hills Forest He is a veteran of World War II and served as captain in the third army in the European theatre.

L.G. Landers, county agent for Crook County for the past twelve years, announced this week that he had resigned from that position to take the managership of the Tri-county Electric Association with offices in Sundance.

At the Crook County annual farm bureau meeting held at Alva, Russell French was chosen as county chairman for the organization, Nathan Lincoln vice-president; Cora Vore, secretary and treasurer; Merlin O'Haver membership chairman; Mrs. Art Montgomery, chairman of the associated women; and Anna Belle Stephens, news reporter.

25 Years Ago

Nov. 14, 1996

The Bearlodge Bull Riding Series will be held at the fairgrounds in Sundance over the next few months. The first two of five indoor events will be held November 16 and December 14.The entry fee for riders is $55. There will be $300 added purse money.