Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Cards of Thanks

Our Thanks

The family of Ernie Vine would like to give our sincerest thanks to the people of Sundance. Thank you for your kind words, donations and shared stories. We are humbled that Ernie called this place home.

Family of Ernie Vine

Thank You

Thank you, thank you to all my family, present staff, retired staff, friends, etc., that put on, showed up and made my retirement party a very special day. Thank you for the gifts, cards, emails and flowers. It was a very special but emotional day. If I missed anyone or anything, please forgive me.  

Deb Mannetter

Thank You

The family of Kenny Glover would like to thank all of those who attended Kenny’s memorial service. A special thanks to the ladies who served food at the United Methodist Church. I would also like to thank those who donated to Kenny’s Memorial, brought food to the house and were a shoulder to lean on. It was all greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Janice Glover and family

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