Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

Oct. 20, 1921

Williams Brothers of Manhattan have just finished installing a second windmill on a well close to the edge of Grand Canyon. This well was drilled two years ago and a fine flow of water was found at sixty feet, rising forty feet in the well. The water has not been needed until the present season, when it was deemed advisable to draw upon it for stock purposes. To the novice it seems strange to find good water at such shallow depth on a divide 400 feet above the large canyon, but this condition obtains throughout that section and is one of the factors in the success of the farmers on the Williams Divide.

The Sundance Athletic Association was organized at a meeting held Monday evening with about twenty present. Glen Hartman was elected president, Stacy Cummings vice-president, Elmer Frank secretary and treasurer, and W.R. Mann, coach.

It's A Duster. Jack Hosfeld left last Thursday in response to a telegram from the Sundance –Wyo. to cease drilling on the Sundance structure. In accordance with these instructions the casing will be pulled and the hole abandoned on the Hawken dome on Black's Flat. The hole has proved a duster beyond a doubt, having been bored close to 1000 feet and passing thru the known oil formations without finding a flow.

75 Years Ago

Oct. 10, 1946

The graveling job on the twenty three miles of the Sundance-Upton road was started at Upton last week. Grading and shaping up of the road has been done. The contract calls for the graveling and grading of this road a distance of 23 miles out of Upton or within six miles of Sundance It is understood that if weather halts the work this fall it will be continued next spring, and also that it will be oiled next year. The work is being done by the Summit Construction Co. of Rapid City.

That members of the Sundance school board are going ahead with plans to provide more and better facilities for students of the Sundance grade and high schools was revealed last week. Board members have obtained the services of an architect who has visited with them and is now submitting plans that will allow the school district to build additional school rooms and still remain within the amount that the district can be bonded for. To this writer it was a pleasant surprise to learn that the board was proceeding with plans that will enable Sundance to have a school that will take care of its needs. The present building is completely inadequate and the present plans are a fine step forward.

The Crook County Wildlife Association met in the city hall Monday night. The group held an informal discussion at which time they agreed to send Richard Hooper to Cheyenne October 10th to witness the drawing for elk permits in Crook County. There will be twenty-five permits issued this year to the lucky ones.

25 Years Ago

Oct. 10, 1996

During the Sundance City Council's September meeting there was some discussion on the congestion of traffic along the Canyon Road and of possible alternative accesses. At Monday night's meeting, a delegation of Canyon residents was present to discuss it further. No decisions were reached.