Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884



Tuesday, October 5, 2021

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

Jeanne moved to approve a License for Use of County Road or Property for Dena Mills across Inyan Kara Creek Road No. 268. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to approve the minutes from September 7, 8, 17 & 30, 2021. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to approve the Crook County Emergency Operating Plan from September 2021. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Jeanne moved to approve a Grant Award Agreement Between Wyoming Office of Homeland Security and County of Crook for the EMPG Grant of $34,000.00. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The following bills were presented to the Board:

Claimant-Description-Amount Allowed:

Total Wages and Cell Phone Stipend-$216,796.12;Roger Showman-Bootleg #1 - Deployed Firemen Expenses-$18,458.86;AFLAC-Insurance-$2,466.93;Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming-Health Insurance-$67,326.00;Clerk of the District Court-Garnishment-$413.00;Col. Life & Accident Ins. Co.-Insurance-$48.07;Crook County Payroll Tax Account-Withholding & Social Security-$63,900.65;Delta Dental of Wyoming-Dental Insurance-$2,719.00;Great-West Trust Company, LLC-Deferred Compensation-$2,180.00;NCPERS Wyoming-Life Insurance-$160.00;New York Life Insurance Company-Life Insurance-$607.96;VSP-Vision Insurance-$751.32;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$8,710.14;Wyoming Retirement System-Retirement-$50,073.97;Wyoming Educator’s Benefit Trust-Life Insurance-$223.08;3D Specialties Inc-Signs-$300.98;All Around Hardware-Parts & Supplies-$79.85;Alsco-Shop & Courthouse Supplies-$284.85;April D. Gill-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone-$308.58;Axis Forensic Toxicology Inc-Drug Panel-$245.00;Big Horn Tire Inc.-Tires & Batteries-$11,814.82;Black Hills Ammunition-Ammo-$1,277.00;Black Hills Chemical Co.-Courthouse Supplies-$337.15;Black Hills Energy-Electricity -$21.70;Blakeman Propane Inc.-Propane Prebuy-$21,761.85;Campbell County Health-Medical Waste Disposal-$60.00;CBH Co-op-Fuel-$18,198.32;Centurylink-E911 Telephone-$1,090.81;Christina R. Wood-Mileage-$305.76;City of Gillette-Water-$13.00;City of Sundance-Water-$3,700.76;Clerk of District Court-Jury Account Funding-$3,000.00;Climate Solutions Inc-Parts & Labor - Public Health-$296.45;Coffee Cup Fuel Stop-Fuel-$109.78;Colin Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$7,660.34;Collins Communications-Labor, Fire Alarm Monitoring, Microphone-$176.00;Contractors Supply Inc.-Parts & Supplies-$169.92;Croell Inc-Concrete-$365.00;Crook County Medical Service Dist.-Prisoner Foods & Meals, Covid Testing-$5,135.14;Crook County Treasurer-Postage-$690.73;Custom Auto & Truck-Labor, Parts, Services-$3,212.48;Dakota Equipment Rental-Rental-$7,799.00;David Osborne-Mileage-$37.41;Day Law-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$865.00;Decker’s Market-Supplies-$40.42;Elsa Bush-Sewing Patches & Hemming-$125.00;Employment Testing Services Inc-Employee Drug Testing-$221.00;Floyds Truck Center WY-Parts & Repairs-$4,350.37;Gillette Printing & Engraving Co, Inc.-Supplies-$742.35;Grant Writing, USA-Tuition-$455.00;Grimms Pump & Industrial Supply -Parts-$2,375.44;Grossenburg Implement Inc-Parts-$950.79;HDR Engineering, Inc.-Gravel Stockpile Survey-$1,164.50;Humphrey Law LLC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$730.00;J D Power-Online Valuations-$700.00;Jagow Enterprises Inc-Contract Hauling -$18,056.31;Jeanne Whalen-Mileage-$70.00;Jeffrey Hodge-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;John E Reid & Associates Inc-Training-$525.00;Kathaleen Spencer-Office Supplies Reimbursement-$16.45;Kimball Midwest-Markers-$34.86;Knecht Home Center of Spearfish LLC-Ceramic Heater, Parts, Wood-$588.46;Kyle Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$7,624.71;Lakeview Wash & Storage-Car Washes-$122.31;Leo Riley & Co-Audit-$12,000.00;Linda S. Fritz-Mileage-$68.32;Marco Technologies LLC-Copy / Maintenance Fee-$68.83;Max Robert Masters-GIS Consulting & Mapping Contract-$3,400.00;Plains Towing & Recovery-Towing-$2,850.00;Plainsman Printing, Inc-Legal Case binders-$542.20;Powder River Energy Corp.-Electricity -$5,126.18;Powerplan BF-Parts-$430.00;Prairie Auto Parts-Parts-$12.33;Pro Force Law Enforcement-Shot Launcher-$2,752.74;Pro River Tech-Computer Services-$9,991.37;QPR Institute-Instructor Certification-$85.00;Quality Agg & Construction, Inc-J Base & Shale-$20,876.49;Quality Hardware & Supply -Supplies-$7.39;Quill Corporation-Supplies-$1,193.30;Range Telephone-Telephone -$7,191.51;Redwater Welding-Cattle Guards-$35,280.00;Ringer Law, P.C.-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$2,155.00;Robert’s Machine & Repair-Parts, Labor & Landscape Edging-$475.80;Roger Showman-Bootleg #2 - Deployed Firemen Expenses-$14,482.42;Rolling Metal Sinclair-Fuel-$185.55;Runnings Supply Inc-Ratchet Straps-$34.99;Saddle Tree Ranch Trucking LLC-Contract Hauling -$14,855.25;Sanofi Pasteur, Inc-Vaccine-$7,561.97;Sara Fleenor-Mileage-$110.65;Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$6,012.50;Source Management Inc-Supplies-$287.29;Sowada Law Office-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$260.00;Stewart Trucking LLC-Contract Hauling -$5,045.10;Sundance Electric Inc-Parts & Labor-$5,044.53;Sundance Hardware & Sporting Goods-Parts & Supplies-$123.08;Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit Fees-$10.32;Sundance Times-Ad, Legal-$2,008.00;Sylvestri Customization-Monthly Website Maint. Graphic Design & Social Media-$600.00;Thomas L Bennett, MD-Autopsy-$2,245.00;Timberline Services Inc.-Rip Rap-$529.34;Tongue River Communications-Jail Cable -$91.00;Top Office Products, Inc.-Parts, Labor, Copy Charge & Supplies-$1,052.71;Tower Valley Ag Supply-Fuel, Parts, Supplies-$1,128.54;Town of Hulett-Water-$60.30;Town of Moorcroft-Water-$66.72;Tracy Motor Company-Parts & Supplies-$3,740.10;Travelers CL Remittance Center-Commercial & Auto Insurance; University of Wyoming-Salary-$16,539.75;Vilas Pharmacy-Jail Meds-$85.98;Visa-Supplies, Parts, Travel Expenses, Internet Setup Aladdin, New Equipment, Registration, Straight Talk,-$7,911.23;Visionary Broadband-Internet Service-$931.87;Vortex Optics-Binoculars & Spotting Scope-$1,319.97;W Bar Feed & Ranch Supply-Service Call & Repairs-$108.00;Wells Plumbing & Farm Supply-Parts-$170.78;Wes Jones-Hydrovac Labor-$525.00;Western Stationers-Labels-$30.53;Wildland Warehouse-Supplies-$386.00;Windstream-Telephone-$149.55;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation & Firefighter Worker’s Comp-$462.61;WY Retirement System-Firemen’s Retirement -$618.75;WYDOT Motor Vehicle Division-License Plates-$7.00;WYDOT-Financial Services-Project Expenditures-$33.64;Wyoming APCO Chapter-Training-$450.00;Wyoming Association of County Officers-WACO Registrations-$1,125.00;Wyoming Earthmoving Corporation-Blade Fire Line-$520.00;Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy-Detention Officer Basic Training-$639.25;Wyoming Machinery Company-Parts, Labor & Rental-$81,153.64;Z Lazy Y Services-Repair Sewer Line at Sundance Library-$1,500.00; Total-$945,759.12;

Jeanne moved to allow all bills as presented. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried. A complete, detailed listing of the monthly expenditures can be found on the county website. They can be found under the County Budget tab and are listed as “Monthly Accounts Payable/Payroll Payments”.

Fred moved to transfer funds as follows: Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-112, notice is given that a Resolution has been proposed to transfer the following funds. Notice is further given that a hearing of the Board of Crook County Commissioners of Crook County, Wyoming will be held on November 2, 2021 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to consider such proposed resolution.

$27,803.86 to Pine Haven Fire 2021 line-from Unanticipated Revenues

$71,518.43 to Deployed Firemen Expenses-from Unanticipated Revenues

$18,050.00 to Fire Fund Donations-from Unanticipated Revenues

$1,400.00 to Federal Grants-MCH Emergency Preparedness Grant from Unanticipated Revenues

$1,920.13 Supreme Court Jail Funding for Tech-from Unanticipated Revenues

Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Jeanne moved to approve the annual Treasurer’s Abstract presented by Tammy Jundt, Interim County Treasurer. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The following monthly collections were collected:

County Clerk $13,783.60

County Sheriff $33,928.00

Clerk of District Court $5,175.45

Circuit Court $28,371.00

Public Health (August) $2,033.12

Joe Baron, County Attorney, Tina Wood, Clerk of District Court, Jeff Hodge, County Sheriff and Tammy Jundt, Interim County Treasurer were present to go over items of interest within their departments. Also present was Jill Mackey.

Linda Fritz, County Clerk: Office made 278 titles, recorded 506 documents, attended WACO, hosted a meeting on redistricting with officials from Weston, Crook and Campbell counties and Senators and Representatives from those counties, office has been a little bit slower lately.

Jeff Hodge, County Sheriff: Presented the monthly calls report, looking at installing a new repeater in the Alva area, attended WACO, got Spillman/Flex training, working on MDJ’s, issues with vehicles breaking down and unable to find parts to fix them, office has been very busy.

Joseph M. Baron, County Attorney: Joe dealt with office matters, road easement, telephone issues, IT issues and agreements, Promotion Board member qualification and removal questions, personnel matters, subdivision reviews, septic lien review, elected official issues, contract reviews for various county offices, bond reviews, salary policy matters and other legal matters. Joe: New Cases: 41, Closed Cases: 45, Current Case Load: 142, In Court (September): 36 Lynda: New Cases: 28, Closed Cases: 25, Current Case Load: 96, in Court (September): 18.

Theresa Curren, County Assessor: (via email) The assessor’s office has been busy with continuing education classes.  The field crew continue to review new construction for next year’s assessment roll.  Theresa was voted in as chairman of the GIS committee for the Wyoming Assessor’s Association.  The association has requested a letter be written to the Department of Revenue to show how much Pictometry has helped our offices along with all other local and state entities utilizing it. 

Tammy Jundt, Interim County Treasurer: Total receipts were $1,146,267.64 and Disbursements to the county, county boards, towns and schools were $2,181,793.29. In September there were 1,193 transactions. COVID went through our office, so we had a few days of being short staffed. We all have recovered and hopefully healthy.

I did not attend WACO in Gillette as I had too much going on. We had our tax sale on September 16th. I completed the Predatory Animal Disbursement Report. We completed the tax roll over and we mailed out property tax invoices last Friday. I completed and submitted the County Treasurer’s Abstract. Brenda is working on digitizing the tax roll records. She is on the 1930’s. We appreciate the continued support from the commissioners, the other courthouse employees and the community during this challenging time.

Tina Wood, Clerk of the District Court: Attended the joint judiciary meeting in Cheyenne, busy with jury selection process for an upcoming civil trial of which Tina has asked to be recused from-another Clerk of District Court will be handling the trial, attended WACO by zoom, lots of court hearings.

County Commissioners: Kelly: Attended the Weed & Pest meeting, took calls on county roads and other county business, traveled many county roads. Jeanne: Attended WACO, was interviewed by a reporter about our timber industry, attended an outdoor rec meeting in Moorcroft, participated in interviews for the opening at the Extension Office, attended the special Commissioner meeting on redistricting with Weston and Campbell counties, dealing with OneOK’s lack of action on reclamation complaints. Fred: Attended WACO, attended the County Commissioner Board of Directors meeting in Gillette, attended the special Commissioner meeting on redistricting with Weston and Campbell counties, drove quite a few county roads, took calls on Douglas Road.

Fred moved to have a phone system hub be purchased out of the Facilities budget and for Betty Lantis to be the authorized person to maintain the counties internet footprint for the County. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Present for the hearing on the continuance of the redevelopment of the northern portion of the Green Mountain & Inyan Kara County Road No. 35 were Joe Baron, Jeff Hodge, Larry Schommer, Morgan Ellsbury and Doug Watson. Discussion was held on refunding the fees collected for the redevelopment as no action has been taken on the petition since 2014. Fred moved to refund the fees collected, minus expenses. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, gave monthly reports.

Adjourned for lunch at 12:10 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

Jill Mackey, Director, Crook County Library, Sara Fleenor, UW Area Educator and Carol Stutzman, Public Health Nurse, gave monthly reports.

Tim Lyons, Growth & Development Administrator, gave a monthly report.

Theresa Curren, County Assessor presented the following additions, cancellations, name changes, refunds and combined accounts: R0002046, R0013663, R0002366, R0010910, O0000588, R0013341, C5311801001, R0005861, R0006139, M0013550. Fred moved to approve the changes listed. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Present for the hearing to grant relief of interest and penalties on the taxes for Ranch Oil were Jennifer McDowell, Attorney for Ranch Oil (via Teams), Joe Baron, County Attorney, Theresa Curren, County Assessor, Tammy Jundt, Interim County Treasurer and Tonie & Carl Dean, Ranch Oil (via Teams). After discussion and clarifications as requested by Joe Baron, County Attorney, the Board came to an agreement with Ranch Oil. Jennifer will draft a new settlement agreement and have it presented to the Board.

Jeanne moved to approve a letter of support for Strata Energy regarding the Strategic Uranium Reserve urging the Department of Energy to promptly establish the reserve and begin purchasing domestic uranium for U.S. national security and energy independence. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

After discussion, Fred moved to approve a letter of support for Black Hills Forest Resource Association supporting their request to the Department of Agriculture regarding their request for correction of information in the General Technical Report dated March 23, 2021 and for the County Clerk to use the Boards’ facsimile stamps once the letter is drafted. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Present for the monthly Pro River update were Tina Wood, Jeff Hodge and Tom Overstreet (via Teams).

Present for the hearing on the approval of the Salvation subdivision were Cody Galloway, Tim Lyons, Morgan Ellsbury, Mike Helmer, Ed Mosher, Carolyn Mosher and Dave Cromes. After discussion on variance requests, Fred moved to approve an Order Approving Minor Subdivision and the Minor Plat of Salvation Subdivison conditional upon payment of recording fees. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Tammy Jundt, Interim County Treasurer submitted the following monthly report of receipts and disbursements for month end September 2021:

Receipts: Property Tax $122,690.79

Sales Tax $165,149.86

Misc Receipts $734,219.72

County Auto $124,207.27

Total $1,146,267.64

Disbursements Towns $199,320.53

County Boards/Districts $340,513.96

State & Local School $1,443,643.17

DOT/DOR/Rebate $198,315.63

Rebate $0

Total $2,181,793.29

Investments Sundance State Bank $0

Wyo-Star $411,192.76 $129.00 August Interest

Wyoming Class $1,000,534.99 $90.43 August Interest

The meeting adjourned at 4:25 o’clock p.m.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

Preston Beckstead, Resident Engineer, Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), gave an update on bridge and road projects.

Morgan Ellsbury, Road & Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor continued their monthly reports.

Present for two liquor license renewal hearings were John Rasmussen and Kyle Wolosek (via Teams). After discussion, Fred moved to approve the following license:

Sand Creek Investments 6, LLC dba Sand Creek Investments 6, LLC-Renewal of Retail Liquor License

Kelly vacated the chair and seconded the motion. Fred voted aye, Kelly vacated the chair and voted aye. Motion carried.

Fred moved to give Joe Baron, County Attorney, the authority to sign all related documents for the purchase of property in Croell Subdivision Phase1, Lot 3, Town of Sundance, from Roger R. Croell on behalf of Crook County.

Kelly vacated the chair and seconded the motion. Fred voted aye, Kelly vacated the chair and voted aye. Motion carried.

After discussion, Fred moved to conditionally approve the following license:

DTO LLC dba Twisted Pistol Saloon-Renewal of County Malt Beverage Permit with the condition that the owner provide his food service permit before the license will be given to them.

Kelly vacated the chair and seconded the motion. Fred voted aye, Kelly vacated the chair and voted aye. Motion carried.

After discussion, Fred made the following motion: W.S. 39-13-108(d)(vi)(N) authorizes the Board of County Commissioners “for good cause shown…may settle delinquent, taxes interest and penalties to be collected from that leasehold” and find that good cause has been shown by Ranch Oil to settle this matter and find that entering into this Settlement Agreement is necessary to keep a long-time mineral producer from shutting in or abandoning producing wells and losing that potential source of tax revenue forever to the State and Crook County, and that is in the best interest of the taxpayers of the State and Crook County, that the penalties and interest for production years 2017, 2018 and 2019 be forgiven. Furthermore, Ranch Oil is to pay all delinquent taxes for production years 2017, 2018 and 2019 in full by November 1, 2021.

Kelly vacated the chair and seconded the motion. Fred voted aye, Kelly vacated the chair and voted aye. Motion carried.

Present to discuss the salary matrix were Joe Baron, Jeff Hodge, Jill Mackey, Larry Schommer, Morgan Ellsbury, Tammy Jundt, and via teams Tina Wood.

Adjourned for lunch at 12:05 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Fred M. Devish and Deputy County Clerk Melissa Jones.

Danette Welsh, Government Relations Manager, Montana Penton, Area Operations Manager and Robert McCormick, Construction Project Coordinator, Oneok, Conner Nicklas, attorney for Cowboy State Pathways, Jenna Ellsbury, Director, Crook County Senior Services, Sarah Anderson, Program Coordinator, Jake Blackstone, Conservation Field Coordinator and Bridget Helms, Office Manager, CCNRD, Mike Grosse, District Ranger, USFS and via teams Troy Bifulco, Vice President of Information and Technology Services, PreCorp, gave updates on items of interest within their departments.

Scott Debenham was present via Teams to present information on the development of wind and solar power generation on USFS lands and requested the support of the Board in this development.

Joe Baron, County Attorney, requested additional funds to pay for a Case Management System, Judicial Dialogue for the County Attorney’s Office.

Fred moved to transfer funds as follows: Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-112, notice is given that a Resolution has been proposed to transfer the following funds. Notice is further given that a hearing of the Board of Crook County Commissioners of Crook County, Wyoming will be held on November 2, 2021 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to consider such proposed resolution.

$12,800.00 to County Attorney Computer line-from Unanticipated Revenues

Kelly vacated the chair and seconded the motion. Fred voted aye, Kelly vacated the chair and voted aye. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 o’clock p.m. to meet in regular session on November 2 & 3, 2021 at 8:30 o’clock a.m., in the Commissioner’s Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming.

Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman

Fred M. Devish, Member Attested: Linda Fritz, County Clerk

Publish: October 14, 2021