Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Cards of Thanks

Thank You

Thank you for sharing my 92nd birthday with all your lovely cards.

Alice Queen

Thank You

THANK YOU very much for thinking of me and ALL of the wonderful cards in celebration of my 97th birthday!! I enjoyed each and every one of them!!

Louise Griffin

Our Thanks

Thank you to everyone for all the calls, food, prayers and condolences to the family of Lance McCollum. Having great communities full of friends lets us know it is God’s way of taking care of us in difficult times.

Larry and Marie McCollum

Jim and Lara Dirks family

Alvin and Keri Koski family

Amber Baker and sons, Holter and Haiden McCollum

Our Thanks

Our family deeply appreciates all the kindnesses shown to us during the tragic death of our beloved Kathleen Svoboda. Each card, phone call, visit, message and tribute to her life were reminders of the many people she influenced, cared for and journeyed with during her time on earth and brought us comfort. Bonds of friendship run deep and this community displayed that loving concern in our time of loss. Thank you to each one for your generous gifts of food and memorial gifts and presence when we needed it most.


Brad and Gail Svoboda, Brook Svoboda, Libby and Scott Penner

Bruce McAmis

Dave and Peggy McAmis, Alvin and Patty McAmis and Cheryl McAmis

and all of the grandchildren, nephews and nieces