Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Good afternoon neighbors and patriots. I’m sure most of you have seen my signs referring to private property rights. Glad you noticed. I’m absolutely against any government entity taking away any of my freedoms, including my property rights!

I urge all of the citizens in city limits to defend their property rights. This means attending the next city council meeting August 3 and letting the council know how you feel about giving up more private property rights.

There has to be a better solution than another ordinance passed, when ordinances already exist that are enforced for a select few, if at all.

I would boldly suggest a citywide vote on these ordinances, as they step all over our personal freedoms. Let our city council, mayor and city hall know that we take giving away even a small amount of our private property rights very seriously!

Thank you for your time.

Freedom lover,

Kelly Mathis

P.S. Will your next loss be the right to fly your American flag because it offends your neighbor? One small step at a time.

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