Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
June 1
Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)
June 1st Regular Board Meeting Minutes
CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:04 pm by Vice Chairman Lily Altaffer at the Sundance USDA Service Center.
Board: Lily Altaffer, Kim Fundaun, Wanda Burget, Wayne Garman (call in)
Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Jake Blackstone, Carmen Horne-McIntyre (Call in)
Guests: NRCS District Conservationist Keela Deaton, Kelly Dennis, Doug Watson
NRCS Update Ms. Deaton gave an update on her office activities. Two cover crop contracts were signed. She will be working with FSA to provide technical assistance to those who need water due to the drought.
Water Quality by Carmen A project in progress has issues with the existing pipeline. A solar pump and 1500-gallon cistern needs to be added for an additional $4940 in cost. Ms.Burget made a motion to approve the changes to the contract. Mr. Fundaun seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Dennis updated the board on the drought status of his area of the county. He offered to write a letter of support if needed for the drought designation.
Local Issues
Doug Watson conveyed his concern to the Board regarding the Moskee Land Acquisition lease issue regarding the Office of State Lands and Investments. Mr. Watson stated that according to State Statute, he and fellow leases should have the preferred right to renew their (now State) lease by meeting the highest bid offer—but neither he nor fellow leases were presented with this opportunity from the State. The CCNRD Board of Supervisors requested that Sarah Anderson draft a comment letter to the State referencing this issue.
Forest Health by Sarah
Mrs. Anderson provided the Board an update regarding the forest health improvement and hazardous fuels reduction projects. She stated that the bark beetle mitigation cost-share funding would be completely spent by the end of June, and the State is no longer offering grant funding for this need. One hazardous fuels reduction project was completed last month, and she anticipates funding for one more project. The CCNRD was contingently awarded $58,800 from the BLM to focus on defensible space, fuel breaks, and fuel treatment projects on the Pine Ridge Road.
Line Item Change Ms. Burget made a motion to approve Resolution 6.1.2021. Mr. Fundaun seconded. Motion carried.
Financial Voucher Ms. Burget made a motion to pay the bills as presented. Mr. Fundaun seconded. Motion carried. All checks were signed. The bank statements were opened by Ms. Burget and the Quickbooks reconciliation report prepared by Ms. Helms was verified.
Approve Minutes A motion to approve the May 4th minutes as presented was made by Ms. Burget and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.
Office Manager Update Ms. Helms picked up the seedlings in Gillette. Electronics recycling planning has begun, and sponsorships are being sought. She also researched battery recycling options for a drop box. Ms. Helms explained the need for the Line Item change to the budget.
Board Vacancy Discussion. Will put an ad on the radio.
Electronics Recycling Dates and times were discussed. Sundance will take place on August 7 and Hulett will be on August 28.
Tree Planter A phone call was received about selling the tree planter. Discussion. Planter will not be sold at this time.
Credit Card A motion was made by Ms. Burget to approve a credit card for Jacob Blackstone with a limit of $2000. Mr. Fundaun seconded. Motion carried.
Procurement Justification The Board discussed reasons for continuing to contract with Ketel Thorstenson for Financial Review/Audit purposes. Ms. Burget made a motion to approve and sign the Procurement Justification form. Mr. Fundaun seconded. Motion carried.
TIME OFF REQUESTS for all employees were approved.
Motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Burget at 2:37 pm.
Office Manager Signature:
_____________________________________________________Date: ______________
Chairman Signature:
_____________________________________________________Date: ______________