Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884
Heading for its third and final reading at next month’s meeting of the Sundance City Council, an ordinance that bans shipping containers in the residential district and advertising signs anywhere within town has now been amended to include the wording of two 2014 ordinances regarding fences.
The major component of the ordinance focuses on portable containers, such as shipping containers, which are specifically authorized for use within the industrial zone of the city. The ordinance states that they may be used for storage or manufacture of bulk petroleum, explosives or toxic materials or “any other similar use which conforms to the general purpose and intent of the industrial district” and that will not injure property or improvements in the surrounding area, economically or otherwise.
The ordinance also allows portable moving containers and moving pods “used for moving and temporary use” outside the industrial zone, but for a maximum time of 30 days. At that deadline, the owner must remove them.
According to the ordinance, any existing shipping containers that are outside of the industrial zone, “shall be removed by the owner upon passage, approval and publication of these amendments.” This is expected to take place at the August meeting of the council.
The ordinance also addresses billboards, off-premises signs and outdoor advertising signs. According to the city’s zoning ordinance, these are defined as permanent signs erected outside to display commercial or non-commercial messages that do not relate to the use of that property, products sold there or the sale or lease of the property.
Now to be added into the language of this new ordinance are two already-in-existence ordinances that were originally passed by the council in July, 2014.
Ordinance 6 sets the maximum fence heights at 3.5 feet in the front and street side and six feet at the rear of a property. Ordinance 7 reaffirms these heights while also stating that fences may be built up to but not upon city-owned property and shall be built so as to be, as much as possible, free and clear of protruding metal edges and sharp wooden points.