Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


June 21




Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow

CCSD#1 will prepare & empower all students for successful, lifelong learning through effective teaching.


ORDER The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Crook County School District #1 was held in Sundance, WY, Monday, June 21, 2021, at the hour of 6:00 PM at central office.

ROLL CALL The meeting opened with the following present: Chairman Brian Marchant; Trustees Marlene Edwards, Rick Gill, Thayne Gray, Dave Jagemann, Ken Rathbun, and Heith Waddell. Trustees absent: Chase Williams and Shane Wolf. Administrators present – Mark Broderson, Superintendent; Shelby Gill, Director of Special Education; Robert Wiegel, Hulett School Principal; and Lori Enright, Moorcroft K8 Principal.


MINUTES Motion was made by Trustee Edwards and seconded by Trustee Gray to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Motion carried.


AGENDA Motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Jagemann to add Consent Agenda Item I (Approval of 2021-2022 Hiring) 8. Lacy Sewell – Moorcroft K8 Elementary Teacher; remove Consent Agenda Item M (Approval of Fall 2021 Extra-Duty/Sponsor Contracts); and adopt the agenda as revised. Motion carried.


FINANCIAL Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gill to approve the financial reports. Motion carried. Motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to approve the 2020-2021 general fund budget amendment as presented by Pamela Garman, Business Manager. Motion carried. A copy of the budget amendment is attached and becomes a part of these minutes.

BOCES Trustee Edwards informed board members that this month’s meeting is Thursday, June 24. She offered to email the June agenda and its minutes to any board member who requests them.


FACILITIES UPDATE Randy Gill, Facilities & Purchasing Manager, gave an update on district projects:

1. The Sundance Secondary fire panel upgrade is finished; major maintenance funds paid for this project.

2. The Moorcroft K8 upper parking lot and walking path will have lighting installed using major maintenance security funds; work has just begun.

3. The central office to Sundance Secondary fiber network underground installation is finished; capital security funds paid for the project.

4. Replacing the Sundance Secondary condensing unit #2 will begin shortly; this project will be paid from major maintenance funds.

5. The Sundance Secondary greenhouse has arrived; dirt and concrete work will begin in July. The project costs will be paid out of CCSD#1 career technical education funds.

6. The Moorcroft High School ag barn building is waiting on approval from the state fire marshal; CCSD#1 is waiting on structural revisions.

7. The Hulett teacherage received new flooring, trim, two interiors doors, and paint; it will be ready for a new tenant by July 1.

8. Three Moorcroft teacherages have received or are scheduled to receive various updates which include new flooring, countertops, furnace, electrical panel, wiring and/or paint.

9. The Sundance Elementary kitchen will have a supply duct with modulating dampers installed from the gym to the MAU to address the problem of the unit shutting down with alarms when the kitchen exhaust hood is used in the winter.

Mark Broderson, Superintendent, informed board members:

o There are currently six classified positions unfilled for next school year.

o The leadership team updated the CCSD#1 strategic plan, district goals, and instructional framework at its retreat on June 3. Copies of the changes are in the discussion portion of tonight’s board notebook. The three district goals will be revised, finalized, and shared in August.

o The leadership team was asked for suggestions on what board members could do to show appreciation to CCSD#1 staff members. The leadership team feels the most important thing is board members’ visibility in the buildings; staff members appreciate having you visit to find out what they are doing and become familiar with the buildings. With this in mind, Mr. Broderson asked board members if they might want to attend the August 18 in-service in Sundance or the August 19 in-service in Moorcroft, and possibility help serve one of the meals those days (breakfast & lunch). Chairman Marchant asked Mr. Broderson to send a reminder in early August.

o Kirby Baier, Moorcroft HS Principal, received a request for posthumous graduation participation of a family member of a student who committed suicide his freshman year. The request has been denied because CCSD#1 does not feel it is an appropriate venue for recognition.

o A Moorcroft parcel of land, with buildings - adjacent to the Moorcroft schools - has been offered for sale to CCSD#1. Mr. Broderson will wait to receive an appraisal before proceeding further.

o He has received questions about implementing critical race theory. CCSD#1 will continue to align itself with the WY Board of Education standards.




AGENDA Chairman Marchant asked if any board member would like any item removed from the Consent Agenda.

Trustee Gill declared a conflict of interest, left the room, and abstained from discussion or vote. Motion was made by Trustee Waddell and seconded by Trustee Edwards to approve the Consent Agenda as revised at the beginning of this meeting.

To approve the bill listing and to issue warrants in payment thereof.

To approve the declaration of intent for CCSD#1 to participate in all federally funded programs.

To approve the 2021-2021 superintendent’s bond for $10,000.

To approve 2021-2022 teacherage rental rates as follows:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Moorcroft 3 bedroom: $475 $525 $575

Moorcroft 2 bedroom $425 $475 $525

Mobile homes $475 $525 $575

Hulett house $600 $650 $700

These are the same rates as 2020-2021. Occupancy in district housing is limited to 3 years.

To set 2021-2022 petty cash amounts:

Central Office $1200

Hulett School $ 400

Moorcroft K8 $ 400

Moorcroft Secondary $ 400

Sundance Elementary $ 300

Sundance Secondary $ 400

Moorcroft Community Ed $ 25

Sundance Community Ed $ 25 TOTAL: $3,150

To approve CCSD#1 leases for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 with:

1. Crook County Community Services (Sundance Food Pantry) – Central Office

2. Eastern Wyoming College – Moorcroft High School

3. Eastern Wyoming College – Sundance High School

4. Little Ones Preschool – Central Office

5. Region III – Hulett School

To approve 2021-2022 Colony, WY, Student Attendance Agreements with MT:

1. Alzada Elementary School District 56, MT (tuition)

2. Alzada Elementary School & Tri County Co-op (special education related services)

To approve resignations:

1. Kade Myers – Moorcroft K8 Teacher

2. Leann Bachmann – Sundance Bus Route Driver

3. Natalie Skeens – Sundance Elementary Para

4. Cameron Braden – Moorcroft K8 Title One Part-time Para

5. Jackie Robinson – Hulett School Part-time Custodian

To approve 2021-2022 hiring:

1. Alexandrea Johnson – Sundance Elementary Counselor

2. Mandee Moeller – Sundance Elementary Teacher (in-district transfer)

3. Cameron Braden – Moorcroft K8 Physical Education/Health Teacher

4. Lacey Robinson – Moorcroft HS Special Education Para

5. Kailee Janda – Sundance Secondary Custodian

6. Sarah Norris – Moorcroft Bus Route Driver

7. Tiffany Wolfskill – Hulett Elementary Teacher

8. Lacy Sewell – Moorcroft K8 Teacher

To approve summer 2021 stipends:

1. STAR Training – Shelby Gill, Melissa Ruml, Julie Stephanie

2. CPI Training – Haylee Tetreault

3. WY Association for Career & Technical Education – Travis Santistevan,

Hugh Jenkins, Felicia Sams, Brian Kennah

To approve 2021-2022 technology instructional facilitators:

1. Hulett – Josh Willems

2. Moorcroft K8 – Lori Backen, Courtney Bartell, Gina Dewey

3. Moorcroft High School – Andrea Wood

4. Sundance Elementary – Lindsey Hansen

5. Sundance Secondary – Casey Harmon

To approve extra-duty contracts:

1. Nathan Towell – Moorcroft High School Summer 2021 Music

2. Whitney Cundy – District-wide 2021-2022 CPR Instructor

Motion carried. Trustee Gill returned to the meeting.

JULY BD MTG Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gill to move the regularly scheduled July board meeting from Monday, July 19, to Thursday, July 15, 2021. The time of the meeting and its location are not changed. Motion carried.

STAFF STIPEND As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Gray to issue a $2,150.00 stipend to all 2021-2022 returning employees who are full-time; prorated amounts will be issued to part-time employees. The stipend is intended as a thank you to staff members for the work they did to keep CCSD#1 schools open through the COVID-19 pandemic and to help cover the cost of increased health insurance premiums. The stipend will be paid out before August 1. Motion carried.


PRINCIPAL As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Gill to approve hiring an assistant principal at Moorcroft K8 for a one-year term. Discussion was held about adding an administrator. Mr. Broderson does not know how much interest there will be for a single year of employment and will only hire the right candidate. He plans to use ESSER II funding to pay this salary; these funds were allocated to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) through Section 2001 of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER II) Fund, to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools. Motion carried.


POLICIES As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Rathbun to approve revisions to Policy EHABB – Password Management. Flexibility was given to the time frame for changing passwords and the number of unsuccessful attempts to log in, depending upon software capabilities. Motion carried. A copy of the policy is attached and becomes a part of these minutes.

As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Gill and seconded by Trustee Jagemann to approve revisions to Policy EGAAC – E-mail Security. “Fusion” reports was replaced by “State of Wyoming” reports. Motion carried. A copy of the policy is attached and becomes a part of these minutes.

As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Gray and seconded by Trustee Waddell to approve revisions to Policy JED – Student Attendance. The three bullets under “Absences without prior notice which constitute an excused absence” were revised to exactly match SF 0068 wording which goes into effect 8/1/2021. Motion carried. A copy of the policy is attached and becomes a part of these minutes.


POLICIES As recommended by the superintendent, motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Edwards to confirm that the following policies were reviewed in June of 2021:

1. EHAAD – Data Integrity

2. EHAAE – Data Backup and Storage

3. EHAAF – Data Retention and Disposition

4. EHAAG – Data Disposal

5. EHAAH – Critical Analysis of Data & Applications

6. EHAAI – Data Access Authorization

7. EHAAJ – Data Contingency Operations

8. EHAAK – Termination of Access to Data

9. EHAAL – Unique User Identification

10. EHAAM – Evaluation of Technology Security

This record in the school board minutes will fulfill a requirement of the upcoming technology audit. Motion carried. A copy of each policy is attached and becomes a part of the minutes.

RECOGNITION Crook County School board members want to recognize the following for their performance or accomplishments:

o Well done, CCSD#1 employees, for keeping students in school all year! Awesome job!

o Kudos to Mr. Broderson and Mrs. Garman for their time and efforts in formulating a financial plan to grant a staff stipend. The board’s priority is to take care of our people!

DISCUSSION Mr. Broderson previously went through changes to the CCSD#1 Five-Year Strategic Plan in the Superintendent Report. He asked board members to contact him if they have questions about any of the changes after they have more time to read the document.

Trustee Rathbun reminded board members to submit their board self-evaluation forms to him so he can tabulate the results for review in August.

ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Trustee Rathbun and seconded by Trustee Jagemann to adjourn the meeting at 6:54 PM. Motion carried.

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Chair Clerk

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