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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am responding to the Letter to the Editor published on June 17 from Ernie Reinhold. This is perhaps the most nonsensical letter ever published in The Sundance Times. Somehow, Mr. Reinhold has equated being pro-life with the requirement to be a democratic socialist.

He’s hit on all the major talking points of the Left: free child care, free education (meaning college of course), free lifelong healthcare and a guaranteed good paying job. Oh, and higher taxes of course.

Clever talking points but it won’t work on anyone who can see through the falsehoods of his assumptions. Instead of guaranteeing all these goodies to the unborn at the expense of others, how about providing a system where each child is guaranteed the OPPORTUNITY to stand on his own two feet, earn a decent paying job through hard work and support a family?

Just because I prevent the murder of a child by a speeding car, does that require me to then support that child for the rest of her life? Send her to college? Provide a job? Housing? Health care? I think not.

We can protect the unborn without having to become socialists. The former does not require the latter.

Mac Frank